Chapter 15

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Morning arrived and y/n woke up early surprisingly. It was the weekend yet she woke up before everyone else. She decided to talk a morning jog. She dressed up and went outside quietly to avoid waking up anyone. Outfit for jog:

The air was very refreshing in the morning

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The air was very refreshing in the morning. Peace and quiet with no annoying sounds. She ran around the whole block.

After 30 minutes, y/n stopped jogging and called Roger while she was outside of Starbucks. Roger came very soon and asked why she had left the house without telling anyone. He said it was his duty to keep everyone safe and got worried that he'll get killed for not being with her. Y/n said not to worry and then asked him to collect the order she ordered at Starbucks and bring in to the car where she'll be waiting.

After another 30 minutes or so, she and Roger arrived back home. Y/n had informed her parents by text after Roger came so they wouldn't worry. When she came in to the living room, she was tackled by big hugs by jungkook.

"Yah! Put me down I'm not a kid" she exclaimed

"Sorry, I missed my lil sis. Where were you so early in the morning?" He asked

"Meeting a guy huh?" Jin questioned

"What of course not!" she replied

"Relax dears, she went for a jog and Roger was there" Mrs Kim came in the living room with mr Kim.

"So while I was jogging I saw Starbucks and decided to get breakfast for us. Roger can you bring the bags" she spoke

"Oh that's so nice, thank you y/n-nie " jimin said

Everyone sat down and ate the Starbucks breakfast which included some different coffee for everyone, some sandwiches and pastries.

It was 3pm in the afternoon. Y/n and Lisa planned to meet so she went down to ask her parents for permission. Her parents replied yes but bts weren't agreeing by being overprotective.

"Cmon mom and dad allowed so I can go and I will! It's just her house and not somewhere where there are guys" She said

"Fine but there are some rules and taehyung may have told you one of them" Jin said

"Ok, what are the rules"she said

"First, boyfriend till 20" Jin spoke

"Second, no drinking and getting drunk" Namjoon spoke

"Third, no going out without informing anyone" Yoongi spoke

"Fourth, no talking to boys besides txt since they trust them" hobi spoke

"Fifth, no lying to us" Jimin spoke

"Sixth, no drugs, smoking or any illegal act" taehyung spoke

"Seventh, don't disobey or disrespect us"jungkook spoke

"Why do I have to suffer. I never asked for it. Rules are meant to be broken" y/n told them

"Stop being rebellious. That's the rules and you better follow them" Jin said

"Fine. I'm underage for drinking and I don't do illegal stuff. Plus you guys already stop every boy from talking or even glancing at me. I won't lie, disobey or disrespect you unless i really have to. I don't care right now about having a boyfriend and I won't go out without telling. Happy" she said

"Yes. But don't lie, disobey or disrespect us at any cost" Yoongi said coldly

"Ok ok, now can I go out or will you keep me prisoner at my own house" she said pouting

"Yes, we have to go somewhere anyways so we'll drop you" jungkook said

Y/n got dressed up and ready to go to Lisa' house.

She went down stairs and sat down in the car with bts

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She went down stairs and sat down in the car with bts. The ride was not too long and finally they had reached the destination

"Y/n remember. We will pick you up at 8 pm sharp" Namjoon said

"Yes I know" she spoke.

"Ok bye y/n!" They all spoke in union

"Bye oppas" she waved and went inside Lisa's house

"Hey bestie" Lisa and y/n hugged.

They started talking about school, bts and other things. Then, they made tiktoks and clicked many photos and selfies of themselves. After that, they ate some snacks which made them full. Typical best friends hang out.

Bts were there sharp at 8pm like they had told. Y/n came outside after like 5 minutes of time being 8. Bts nagged about y/n not coming at 8 sharp. Y/n brushed it off and then they all rode home.

When they arrived everyone got out of the car. Bts noticed there were only 7 people out, where was the 8th one. They looked inside the car to see that y/n was sleeping inside the car.

"Aww, cute. I'll carry her out without disturbing her sleep" jungkook spoke and went inside the car and carried her bridal style into the house and in her bed. They tucked her in, and left quietly.

Me again who posted !
I'm a bit busy these days but I'll try my best to update soon
How is everything about Korea so beautiful 😫🤌🏻
Anyways, enough of me. How are you guys doing. Well, I hope!

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