Chapter 1

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Me: tries to write this chapter

Writers block: allow me to introduce myself...

Scar woke himself up by falling out of his bed. 

He groaned as he landed on the ground a couple of blocks down. Jellie wandered over, sitting next to him. 

Scar smiled at the sight of the cutest being in the entire universe, getting into a sitting position, with the cat on his lap, and stroking her while he watched the sun rise. 

From his tent on top of Mumbo's - no, his - base, he could see for ages, all the way across to where his big dig was. He sighed happily, and Jellie collapsed in his lap, purring. It was a beautiful day, and the view outside was perfect, except...

There was a dark spot in the distance, and Scar frowned, squinting to see if he could figure out who, or what, it was. 

It was getting bigger, closer, and Scar's eyes widened as he realised what it was before...

Grian crashed into the tent, yelling, and landed in a growing amount of shulker boxes at the back of it. Scar jumped back, tumbling over a box, and stumbling his way into the corner. 

Grian stood up, groaning, and looked around. He spotted Scar, lying sprawled, watching him with a look of surprise - not dissimilar to Keralis's - on his face. 

'Hey, Scar.'

'Hello, Grian... you scared me a little bit there!'

'I can see. Sorry for surprising you... huge lag spike in the air. Nothing was loading in. Couldn't see Mumbo's base until...'

'Mumbo's base? It's my base now.'

'Yeah, whatever. I keep forgetting. This base swapping stuff is confusing! Especially with our secret bases and the Cleo Games at the same time...'

'Yeah... hey, I wrote a song for the sewer cats... want to hear it?'

'I... need to get on with my mansion. Just got it back from Zedaph.'

'Good for you!' You do anything with his base, apart from that chicken farm?'

'Not much... made it look a bit more cave-like inside, added some mushrooms.'

'I'm warning you Grian, if you start another mycelium resistance...'

'Don't worry, Scar, I wasn't planning on doing one too soon anyway. Enough wars for this season.' 

'Really?' Scar struggled to his feet. Grian helped him up.

Tango: help!

Tango: my portal's glitched out

Tango: and my elytra's low on durability

Tango: can someone help?

ImpulseSV: where are you?

Tango: In what used to be False's nether area.

ImpulseSV: got it. I'm coming!

'What's going on?' Scar asked. Grian looked up from chat.

'Tango's stuck in the nether. But Impulse is helping.'


Xisuma: once he's safe, can everyone go to the shopping district? These glitches are getting dangerous.

'Now X has called a meeting. Shopping district. Let's go.'


'No, let's fly. If Tango got stuck, then we might too.' Grian stretched out his wings. Scar pulled on his elytra — which had fallen off in the night, and the two set off. 

They arrived in the shopping district as everyone else was, and landed outside the town hall. Xisuma was there, and Tango had seemingly made it out of the nether, and was chatting with Impulse about something. Bdubs approached Scar and Grian.

'Hey! Great and powerful mayor Scar!' He quickly got their attention by saying. 

'Hello, Bdubs!' Scar greeted back. 

'Any of you had any problems with these glitches?'

'Well, Grian flew into my base earlier, when nothing was loading in.' Scar explained. 'I haven't been affected too much...'

'I lost half my castle when a chunk refused to load...' Bdubs replied. 'I don't know if it's returned yet, but I can see right down to Doc's tunnel-bore.'

'Cub's. It's Cub's now. He's almost as rich as last season...' Scar smiled, as if remembering the days of having stupid amounts of diamonds. 

'Alright! No need to rub it in, Scar.'

The mayor stifled a laugh.

'Not my fault Concorp had a monopoly over the shopping district...'

'Well, technically...' 

'Is... is everyone here?' Xisuma interrupted their conversation. The trio looked over to where their admin was standing, looking stressed. 

'So, as ya all know, there have been some quite serious glitches recently, and they seem to be getting worse. I don't know what to do currently, but if it gets much worse, we might have to find another world temporarily while I try and fix it. If anyone has any evidence as to what might be causing it, please tell me.'

No one responded instantly. There were a few murmurs, and hermits looking over at each other,

'I think that's all then... unless anyone has anything else to say...' No one did, so the group dispersed. Impulse ran over to Scar, Grian and Bdubs, pulling them aside. 

'Hey, guys... meet later in Cleo's base for a Sewer Cats meeting. I've got a few things to show off.'

'Me too.' Scar replied. 'And I see you three brought down a lighthouse?'

'Yeah... I think Cleo noticed it...' Grian sighed. 'I really wanted to keep that lighthouse...'

'It's ok, G. We'll find some other stupidly big things to take down, and ignore your little maths error.' Impulse joked

'It was just a little mistake! I was thinking on the spot! Don't blame me!'

'Oh, we're not blaming you, Grian. We're just making sure that you know you messed up.' Bdubs added with a laugh. 

'Well... alright, I made a mistake... 21 divided by 3 is 7...'

'Right, I need to get back to my base, and see if there's anything else I can add. See you later!' Impulse stated, before flying off. 

'I need to get on as well.' Grian admitted. 'See you around, Bdubs.' 

'Bye, Grian!' 

'Oh! Wait for me! Grian!' Scar flew hurriedly after him. 'Goodbye my small friend!'

'I'm not small!' Bdubs yelled back. Scar laughed, before almost hitting someone's shop and focussing on flying. 

The mayor landed back inside his new base, and his elytra fell off again. Scar picked them up, placing them to one side and deciding to deal with it later. He frowned, uncomfortable. His clothes felt tighter than normal, like there was something else there... as he thought, he heard a tearing sound, and felt for what had torn. He grabbed a handful of... feathers? 

Scar rushed over to the nearest reflective surface and looked in, gaping at what he saw. A flurry of blue feathers stuck precisely from his shoulders...

He had wings. 

Definitely didn't realise halfway through writing this that the idea of Scar having wings is very similar to Featherweight... 

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