Chapter 23

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No one cared that Pearl was dead.

To the other hermits, she was just a random watcher who attacked, before being killed. No one even cared about how she actually ended up permadead. All they cared about was attack in the shopping district, and the deaths there. 

Taurtis sat by his friend's grave, staring at the unembellished stone. There wasn't even a name on it. 

The former evolution-er threw a pebble across the plains in frustration. It bounced, and landed. With a groan, he threw another. 

As Taurtis sat there, another person came over, sitting beside him silently. Taurtis looked over to see Ren. 

'I thought you were half-dead.'

'I got better. What's wrong?'

'No one cares that my friend is dead. Not even Grian.'

The dog was silent, focussed on the ground, before he spoke.

'I knew Pearl. She was a stunning builder. I had no idea she's become a watcher...'


'Bro, I'm sorry. There's a lot going on at the moment. There's no time to be upset about everything.'

'But she was my best friend...' Taurtis replied stubbornly. 'She should be more important.'

'Everyone is someone's best friend.'

'But Pearl... she was special. She was so talented, and funny, and kind...' Taurtis couldn't help but start crying. Ren comforted him.

'Almost half of the builds on Hermitcraft were inspired by Pearl.' The dog stated. 

'Then why doesn't anyone care that she's dead?!'

'I care.'

'Really? I thought this place would be good. Turns out it's just crap.'

'You should've seen it in it's prime. Jokes, and shops, and safety.'

'Well, I didn't. So stop reminding me of what I didn't get to see. What Grian had while I was stuck inside the watcher's prison. They didn't even give me wings. Everyone else had wings.'

'I'm sorry,'

'Grian betrayed me. Build swap was OUR thing. Now he's doing it with Scar, and Mumbo, and probably a billion other people who are better than me...'

'Dude, I'm sure he doesn't hate you.'

'No. Hating requires someone to acknowledge your existence...'

'Aww... don't say that...'

'It's true. I should go and be productive somewhere...'

'Me too, Bro.'

Taurtis stood up, and Ren set off in a different direction, before turning back. His eyes flashed purple for a moment, but it may've been a trick of the light.

'Hey, something else.' Ren drew a black sword, and grinned. 'Did you know that Watchers can shapeshift?'

Grian paced the length of his mansion alone. 

The watchers were destroying everything. That last attack was a just warning. Several hermits were hurt, or even killed by it. But he knew they had worse in store for Hermitcraft.

A pair of figures entered the mansion, and Grian looked over, before quickly drawing his sword. A watcher stood there, holding captive the struggling form of Taurtis.

'Let him go.' The builder growled. There was a laugh from the watcher.

'Join us. Join us and this will be over.'

'Over my dead body.' Grian spat back. Taurtis nodded. 'Now let. Him. Go.'

'Not until you surrender. Hermitcraft will be saved, and your 'friend' can survive.'

'LIAR. I know your tricks now. Your fake promises. I know the lies behind your masks.' 

'The only one lying here is you, ̇/ᒷꖎᑑ⚍ᔑ. Lying to yourself. We would never destroy a server for fun.'

'Then what the f**k was Evo?!'

'You were the one that didn't listen to us. You never put on that mask. You could've joined us. Everything we offered could've come true. If only you'd put on that mask...'

'Everything would be better if you hadn't destroyed Evo.' Grian wavered off as he properly thought, but shook it quickly off.'

'You're lying again. Our interferences gave you exactly what you wanted. You grew bored of Evo very quickly. You wanted something bigger. Hermitcraft. We saw your reaction when Mumbo was invited instead of you. We knew what you really wanted. The destruction of Evo was your ticket to success.'

'Grian...' The builder focused on the ground at the sound of disappointment in Taurtis's voice. He could tell how betrayed his oldest friend felt. And it hurt.

'You're a disappointment, ̇/ᒷꖎᑑ⚍ᔑ.'


'You let Evo burn while you had fun in Hermitcraft. You let down your best friend with your ambition. And now you won't save the people you admired your whole life.'

Grian let his sword fall to the ground with a dull ring. He gave up trying to hide the tears as the watcher grinned at him.

'Taurtis, Pearl, Scar... they all trusted you. And you've let them down. You shared the games that made Taurtis feel special. You didn't care enough to visit Pearl's grave. And you let Scar take the blame for yet another situation you know isn't his fault. See, Taurtis? You aren't the only person who ̇/ᒷꖎᑑ⚍ᔑ broke his promises to.'

'I didn't...'

'I thought you were my friend. But you're just as bad as every other stinking watcher. A lying, selfish, ambitious idiot.' Taurtis stated. The watcher nodded. 

'Now, do the right thing and save this world. Put on your mask, and join us.'




'I won't let you ruin my life any more. You've done enough of that already.'

'You ruined your own life. If it ever was ruined.'

'Who here has lost everyone they love?' Grian questioned furiously. 'Who spent timeless days ALONE, building and destroying, made a whole world from a single block of obsidian, and NEVER got credit for it? Who watched as the land he'd protected and enjoyed, and shared with most of there friends was DESTROYED? It was me. I did. I did it all. I've seen worse than either of you stinking MONSTERS.'

'So, Taurtis. Now you know.' The watcher turned to the former evolutionist. 'This is who your friend really is. Now join us.'

Taurtis glared at Grian again, before pulling out a watcher mask.'

'I hope you burn with your world.' He snarled, before putting it on, and disappearing with the other watcher.


The lies behind their masks - A(nother) Hermitcraft and Evo AU fanfiction.Where stories live. Discover now