Chapter 7

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It was a week since Impulse's death.

Grian walked around, working out what he was going to do with the front of his base. He knew it was useless. He would be dead before he could do it. But still he took time with the distraction, and worked out properly how he was going to bring colour and life into his mansion. 

He scrawled down a few more ideas in a notebook, before turning to see Iskall, looking very stressed as he walked over. Mumbo hadn't been seen since before the death. Scar hadn't either, but that was probably because everyone thought he'd killed Impulse. 

'Hey, Iskall, what's up?' He called over, trying his best to stay cheerful. The Swede continued over.

'Have you seen Mumbo anywhere?' He asked. Grian shook his head.

'Sorry... I haven't been looking at all...'

'No... it's ok...' Iskall turned to leave, before Grian spoke again.

'Wanna hang out a bit? Try and forget everything that's been happening?' 

'Why not?' The two architechs entered the mansion together, and Grian found some cookies in the third shulker he opened.

'So... been doing much recently?' The builder failed a conversation. Iskall sighed.

'No... I've been trying to get Beef to give back the Omega Tree, but he still doesn't like Tommy Boi, or his gifts.'

'Tommy Boi?'

'Yeah, Tommy Boi.' Iskall laughed. 'He's supposed to be Beef's new best friend, and if he's given enough 'prime bamboo' gives some gifts back.'

'Wow... only you could come up with an idea like that, Iskall...'

'What's wrong with Tommy? He's very intelligent, and has different expressions... annoyed, slightly less annoyed, Scar, and happy.'


'Yeah! He has Scar's little side-smile thing!'

'Does Scar know about this?!'


Grian laughed, and Iskall joined in. 

'Any other ideas to get back your tree?'



'I'm not that clever, Grian!'

'I mean, I could help you... we haven't done much together this season...'

'No, we haven't.'

'What's Beef doing at the moment?'

'I think I saw him talking to Scar outside.' Iskall remembered. Grian nodded.

'Ok... so, are we going to do this?'


'Why not? I'm not doing anything.'


'We really could've spend more time together this season. You and Mumbo were busy making Pacific together...'

'We would've invited you...'

'You literally ripped off your own company, Iskall. Could you imagine if Cub and Scar made off-brand Concorp?'

'What would that even be called?!'

'I mean, I might join in...'

'Don't you dare join the enemy, Grian!'

'I'm not going to, don't worry...'

The lies behind their masks - A(nother) Hermitcraft and Evo AU fanfiction.Where stories live. Discover now