Chapter 29

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I have decided I will do a sequel to this story. 

'Hermits! Attack!' Grian yelled, flying into the air, watcher sword drawn. Hypno fired his arrow, hitting Cleo's wing. The four watchers ran for them, and Doc took to the air, throwing his trident. Tango dodged it, knocked down by a wave of lightning from of the impact. Zed pulled him to his feet, charging over at xB, sword already swinging. Scar poked his head over side of the villager breeder, throwing an ender Pearl. He landed next to Iskall, and attacked. The Swede sliced back, diamond eye glowing brighter and sending a blast of fire at the ground. Scar dodged, swiping wildly at the air. Jellie ran over, clawing and biting to protect her owner.

Black plants shot from the ground, and Stress smiled, watching as they entangled Zedaph. Tango yelled his name, cutting his friend free while avoiding the vines himself. Hypno kept firing his arrows, succeeding in flooring Cleo, her wings now ruined. The zombie stood up, hands purple. A pair of armour stand warriors appeared next to her, charging into the battle. Grian dived at xB, pinning him to the wall. 

'Traitor!' He screeched. 'You told them where we were!'

'You were the one that put it in chat, Grian.' xB laughed back, despite being slowly choked to death. Behind, Tango successfully set Stress's plants on fire, and flames snaked across the floor, freeing Zedaph and allowing both of them to run out, reaching Doc. The creeper snarled at them, throwing his trident again. Zed caught it, but dropped it again quickly as it burnt his hand, wincing with the pain. Doc grabbed it again, stabbing at Tango while he's dodged out the way. Etho joined in the fight, pulling his friend away from the two ZIT members. 

'Thanks...' Tango panted, before lighting Stress's returning plants alight again. Grian finally managed to kill xB, leaving him bleeding on the ground below. He looked back to where he saw Taurtis before. The Evolutioner was still there, watching. 

The turtle is watching.


It was a warning. 

But he already knew that Taurtis was a watcher. 

'Grian! Watch out!' The builder snapped out of his thoughts, and turned to see one of Cleo's armour stands about to hit him. He stabbed it through the stomach, but it kept going. Wooden arms grabbed him, holding him back, choking him. He kicked and screamed, but it didn't let go.

'HELP!' He yelled. Hypno ran over, firing arrow after arrow but to no avail. Cleo stood blankly in the middle of the room, staring right at her armour stand solider, and Hypno sliced through her arm. She howled with pain, clutching the half-severed limb and looking to where Hypno had disappeared into the flames still dancing across the floor. The armour stand fell limb, and Grian broke free, coughing. Another look over to where Taurtis was.

He was gone.

Grian turned, and jumped as he saw his 'friend' there, grinning madly.

'Hey, Grian. Good to see you again. The idiot who ruined my life.' He sliced at Grian, and the builder barely flew out of the way in time. Taurtis joined him in the air.  

'They finally gave me wings. They rewarded me for finding out the truth. About how egotistical and selfish you really are. You LET them destroy Evo.'


'Really? You know that watchers never lie.'

'Don't make me laugh...'

Taurtis attacked, and Grian dived quickly out of the way, slicing as he turned and catching his former friend across his mask, scratching it badly. Taurtis hit back, and Grian blocked, stabbing Taurtis right in the air. There was a scream of pain, leaving enough time for him to scout the room below. Tango, Zedaph and Etho still battled against Doc. Stress was on fire, hiding in the corner of the room. Hypno was threatening Cleo, who's arm had now been torn off, leaving blood to pour to the ground where she was kneeling. Across the room, Scar lay on the ground, with Iskall recovering next to him. Grian looked back at Taurtis, right as he swung again. 

The lies behind their masks - A(nother) Hermitcraft and Evo AU fanfiction.Where stories live. Discover now