Chapter 25

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Confession: I have completely run out of inspiration writing this story. 

I have no idea how to continue it.

I normally have a complete plan for the rest of the chapters by this point.

I don't have one for this story.

I need to finish it, though, because I've got this far through already.

Plz give me ideas? ———>

Grian was waiting when Scar left the Season 6 world. The mayor was silent, and Xamphe quickly closed the portal behind. 

'Hey, G.' Scar greeted half-heartedly. 

'You ok?'

'Obviously not.'

The mayor began to walk away, taking off quickly as soon as they'd left the respawn area. Grian followed closely.

'You're becoming really good at flying with wings, Scar.' He complimented. 'If you want, I can teach you some of my tricks.'

There was no answer. Grian fired a rocket to catch up with the mayor, but he ducked out the way, landing smoothly inside his magical village. 

'Come on, Scar... cheer up.' 

Scar suddenly froze, hands clenched and fists white, before he turned.

'How DARE you tell ME to CALM DOWN?!' He yelled. Grian backed away.

'I'm sorry!' Grian hastily apologised. 


'No! I wasn't thinking! I'm so, so-'

'SILENCE!' Grian shut up at Scar's demand. 'I thought you were still my friend... I thought you actually cared, and sympathised, and tried to understand. But STILL, you just forget. And tell me to CALM DOWN?!'

'I take everything back! Scar, come on... what's up?'

'EVERYTHING! Iskall and Doc want me dead, the watchers are still trying to murder us, Hypno's now been asked to join the watchers. Cub's still dead, and whatever I do, the rest of this EFFING server is going to blame me for everything bad that happens!'

'I'm still here, Scar! I believe everything you've said! You're not to blame! You never have been! If this is my fault, if me telling to calm down set you off, then I'm so, so, so sorry. You know how Tango apologised to you a stupid number of times? Double that and that's not even how sorry I am.'

Scar was silent for a moment, before he walked away.

'I need some time alone.' He called back. 

'You've just had...'

'Leave me alone...' Scar pleaded quietly. Grian obeyed, and let the mayor walk across his village and into Larry the Snail. As the door closed behind, the builder sat down, sighing. He'd ruined it. By just saying two thoughtless words. Scar was right to be upset. 

As he sat, Jellie wandered over, sitting next to Grian. She meowed cautiously, unsure. 

'Hey, Jellie...' The builder greeted half heartedly. The cat took this as an invitation to curl up on his lap, purring as Grian stroked her. The day continued on, and Jellie dozed on, before Grian stood up, carrying the cat with him as he entered Larry, where Scar still was.

'If you want me to go again, that's fine.' He began softly. 'But I don't want you to be alone forever.'

Scar didn't answer, sitting in the middle of the room, wings half-folded behind him. They had grown even bigger as the days had passed, and were now the size of Grian's. The builder crossed the room, sitting cross-legged next to his friend.

'I brought Jellie with me?' The cat opened one eye at the sound of her name, and Scar stroked her absently.

'I visited Concorp in the season 6 world.' The mayor eventually said. 'It was exactly how I remember it. Except...'

Grian nodded, listening. 

'You were so close... nothing could've separated you.'

'Nothing.' Scar smiled. 'If we could spend time together, we did.' 

'Exactly. The most infamous friendship in Hermitcraft... the only pair I know able to get a monopoly on monopolies.'

Scar laughed. 'A monopoly on monopolies... what a brilliant idea...'

'Well, you already did it...'

'We sure did...' 

'How many diamonds did you actually make last season?'

'Enough to make myself a diamond throne... I can't remember an exact amount, but we'll go down in history for getting that many diamonds.'

'I thought it would be impossible, getting that many... surely there aren't so many in the entire world...'

'Impossible... the one dream he ever wanted. Do everything that seems impossible, that no one would ever think of. Like a monopoly on monopolies, or Minigolf inside the great pyramid of Giza...' 

'Did he ever actually do that?' 

'Probably, knowing him.'

The two laughed, before Scar continued.

'The entire idea for Concorp came from our first day together... I jumped into the window of the room he was in, and someone came to see what was going on. We ended up lying our way out of the entire situation... he could've just thrown me under the bus, we barely even knew each other's names...'

'You jumped through a window?!'

'Yeah, I was an intruder. I had to come intruder window...' 

'Wow... you really went there...'

'Of course I did.' Scar smirked, and Grian shook his head, sighing. 'Anyway, I should head off. Something'd probably happened that everyone can blame me for. Goodbye, Grian!' Scar left Larry, launching into the air and flying off. Grian watched him go, following behind. 

They landed in the shopping district - Aquatown, to be more precise - where Tango and Hypno were sitting between a hysterical Doc. 

'What happened?' Scar asked nervously.

'Scar... I don't like the look of this...'

'Why? What's going on? Grian?'

Doc snapped his head up to glare at Scar. The mayor stepped back as the German shot to his feet. Tango tried to stop him, Hypno stood between him and Scar. But both darted out of the way as Doc flew for the mayor, pinning him against the nearest wall, only one thought in his mind.


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