Chapter 15

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Scar hadn't moved from Cub's side for an entire day.

Doc sighed as he glanced back to where the two were again, arms crossed, waiting. He had better things to do. But he needed to keep watching. And waiting. Someone had to get rid of the body.

'Are you done yet?' Doc asked, failing at hiding his impatience. He earned himself a glare that would've scared a watcher, but Scar gave him what he wanted, standing up and walking off, passing the German.

'You don't need to pretend you don't hate me any more. I'm used to it.' He spat as he flew away. Doc returned to the body, ready to dispose of it.

Scar sighed as he landed in his base. It was literally 2 days since Cub had died, and he was already desperate to see his friend. But he was dead. Cub was gone. He could never see him again. He wiped away his tears, collapsing on his bed. A poster fell out of a shulker next to him, and he stared over at it. The words 'Scar for Mayor' flashed as him. Scar sighed, facing the wall instead. It hurt to think about being mayor. And Bdubs also being...

This wasn't helping. He needed to let it go, and focus on re-befriending the other hermits. It probably wouldn't work. There was no way it would work. Only the dead hermits knew who'd killed them. And there was no way to talk to them.


'Hey! Cleo!'

The zombie screamed, almost falling off her scaffolding, at the sound of Scar's voice. She dropped her armour stand book and drew a sword and pointing it at him.

'If you try and kill you, I will break your legs.' She warned, feigning confidence.

'I'm not a murderer!' Scar snapped back. Cleo held the pommel of the sword tighter, but the mayor didn't attack. 'I... have some questions for you.'

'Questions?' Cleo frowned. 'What kind of questions?'

'Ones that could potentially end up with me have proof that I'm innocent.'

'Fine.' Cleo glided down to the ground, and Scar followed, landing next to her. 'What do you want?'

'You're a Zombie.' The mayor started by stating. Cleo sighed.

'I can't bring back Cub.' She replied, predicting exactly where the conversation was going to go. 'Or any of the other dead hermits. I'm sorry.'

'Surely you died permanently at some point... and if you came back to life, Cub can as well...'

'I have no idea how I came back to life.'

'Well... How did you die?'

'I drowned. I don't want to talk about it.'

'But... but I need to talk to Cub again... I need to say apologise... I don't want our last conversation to always be that argument.' Scar was crying again. Cleo stared at the ground.

'I'm sorry... I know Cub's death was... difficult... for you, but I'm not a necromancer.'

'If you came back, he can too!'

'I have no idea how it happened. I had no control over the fact that I came back to life.'

'But... but...'

'Scar, I can't help you.'


'There's nothing I can do. Cub's dead, and even if I knew how I came back, I don't have the ability to bring others back.' Cleo knew she sounded rude, but didn't take her words back.

The lies behind their masks - A(nother) Hermitcraft and Evo AU fanfiction.Where stories live. Discover now