Chapter 4

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I'm not telling you who the prisoners are yet. So don't ask me to tell you. 


There was nothing wrong with the prison. 

It was decently-furnished, they were regularly given food that, once they'd decided to stop starving themselves, tasted surprisingly good, the view was stunning, and the two of them were put in their together.

The only real problem was that it was a prison. There was no way out. They were trapped. And their capturers sucked. 

It was the only thing the two of them agreed on. 

After their capture, meeting with the leader, and decided sentence, they'd been chucked in here with a complete stranger. An upset, quiet, stranger. It had taken a while to share names. And much less time to forget them again, and face the awkwardness of having to ask again at some point. They'd been in their so long, they'd forgotten several important things about their own identity. The other prisoner reckoned that the food was drugged. They just thought they had a bad memory. 

Once they had started talking, the two found they had absolutely nothing in common. From favorite color, to their histories, they were the exact opposite. But they were still shoved in the same prison tower. Together. To find a solution. 

But there was still one thing they shared. The knowledge of a place called Hermitcraft. But, knowing the two of them, they wanted to get there for different reasons. Neither shared what it was. But from other discussions, they'd both figured it out. Only one problem remained.

How would they get there?

Scar climbed down from his bed, still shaking. Moonlight shone straight into his tent. Dawn would be a while off yet. 

The mayor stared at himself in his mirror. His shaggy hair, pale face, and of course, his wings. 

They'd grown again. Big enough to fly with. Definitely too big to keep hiding. He'd had trouble with them when they were still quite small. Now? It was impossible. 

As his mind sent him back to the most gruesome moments of his dream, Scar threw up. What he had seen... what had happened... Cub... Jevin... Was it a prophesy? Could he see the future? Could he see the present?! Scar forced the thoughts down. Cub was alright... Cub was alright... Cub was...

Scar looked over at the moon again. No one would be around. Every hermit would be sleeping. At least confined to their base until dawn. The mayor grabbed his jacket again, knowing how cold it would be, and pulled it on. His wings got stuck going through the tears they'd made before, ripping the fabric more, as they were forced through. Scar shrugged it off, and walked outside. He walked straight to the edge, staring over it. A breeze tugged at his hair, and the blue feathers of his wings ruffled. He flexed his wings, trying not to look down, and jumped. 

The mayor free-fell, face-first, fingers outstretched and a faint yell escaping his mouth. But at the last moment, his wings snapped out, and he began to fly. 

He flapped again, lifting him clear of the ground and across the sky. Scar smiled, enjoying every second of it. He tried to turn, and succeeded, twisting around one of the spanner-things and towards his base again. Wings flapped sending him higher into the air, into the clouds, and looking down.  

It was dangerous, but it was worth it. The jungle spread out far below, natural and terraformed land stretching as far as he could see. Scar smiled, laughing, and dived down again. Everything blurred as he fell, flew, down towards the ground at dizzying speeds. He leveled out again, making a full circle around his base, while climbing again to the top. The mayor ducked slightly, and missed the peak he was planning to land on. He fell down again, and up, and tried again. Grian's mansion appeared in front of him. Such a big build for such a small hermit. Almost as small as Bdubs...

Scar dodged the wizard tower in his old magical village at the last moment, and yelped as he almost hit a tree. Everything seemed to jump into the way, and he crashed into the clearing outside Grian's hobbit hole. 

The mayor tried to stand up, laughing at the experience of flying, and finally managed. He checked his new wings for damage. Surprisingly, there was nothing. He pulled out a few pesky leaves that had got stuck in them, and tried to fly off again, jumping and flapping and failing miserably. 

He tried again, desperately remembering how Grian did it. The man was a natural flyer. Scar... not quite as much. 

It didn't take long to give up, and climbed awkwardly onto the old villager breeder his friend had built. Scar leapt off the edge, flapping madly and landing with a face-full of dirt on the ground again. He spat out the mud, and decided to walk back to his base. And once he'd got there, he realized that he had to fly to get up to his tent. 

The mayor groaned, resorting to a good old pillar of dirt to get him back into the air. He jumped recklessly off the top, opening his wings and finally flying again. He whooped excitedly at his success. 

And then flew straight into his base.

Scar grabbed at the crumbling stone, somehow managing to get a grip and stay on. He jumped off again, watching out for any kind of obstruction as he flapped into the air again, circling around to fly back into his tent. 

Just then, in midair, Scar blacked out.

He woke up in Larry the snail, kneeling next to the dead body of Mumbo Jumbo, with a bloody sword in his hands.


Also, I love cliffhangers way too much.


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