Chapter 22

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Scar woke up.

He almost blacked out instantly from the pain, but somehow stayed conscious, managing to sit up and look over his injuries. 

A long scar ran across his chest, deep and nasty. It was half-healed, scabbed over but still bleeding slightly. As he sat there, staring at his new cut, he tried to remember what happened.

The watchers... they'd attacked. He was protecting Zedaph, and took the blow, hadn't he? Was everyone else ok? False, Wels, Ren... were any of them still alive? He looked around, seeing Tango standing awkwardly in the doorway, and tried to shrink away.

'You're awake...' the boomer began, not looking at Scar. 'I... I just wanted to say sorry.'


'For thinking you were the killer... I was angry, and confused, and I just wanted answers. So I blamed whoever it was easiest to. You.'


'And then you... saved Zed's life, and almost died yourself, so... I realised that... you weren't evil. I'm sorry. Again.'

'It's ok...' 

'And I shouldn't have attacked you. That was horrid. I'm sorry. Can you... forgive me?'

Scar was quiet as he comprehended what was going on. 

'I'm sorry.' Tango repeated again hastily. 'For everything. I'm sorry.'

'I forgive you.'

'Thank you. I don't deserve it, but thank you.'

'It's the right thing to do. Is everyone... alright?'

'Hypno and Etho are awake, and helping others. Wels and False are... dead. Ren's still unconscious.'


'Deep gash on the arm, but that's all. It would be a lot worse if you hadn't come in. So... thank you.' 

'You're... welcome... I didn't think he was going to die, I didn't really have any time to think at all. I just did.'

'Well, thank you anyway. And sorry.'

'How many times has he apologised?' Etho interrupted as he appeared in the doorway, looking very amused. 

'Sorry!' There was a laugh from the Canadian, as he entered. 

'So, you're awake.'

'Apparently so.' Scar replied. 'Has anything else happened yet? Is Ren awake?'

'Still out. We managed to stop most of the bleeding. He's still alive - somehow. Doc's not leaving his side.'

'How long has it been?'

'A few days. That's what everyone's been saying.'

'About a week.' Tango corrected. 'We thought you might die. From that and your injuries on your arms. I'm sorry.'

Scar gazed down at his arms again. They were covered up. Tango bit his lip as he watched.

'I'm so sorry if I made you do it.' He burst out. 'I'm sorry. You deserved better. I shouldn't have done anything. Sorr-  - wait, are you counting?' 

Etho looked guilty up from his hands. 


'How many?' Scar asked. 


'Stop making me feel worse!'

Scar and Etho both laughed, before Grian entered.

'Scar! You're awake!' The builder greeted, relieved. 'And... Tango's here...'

'I'm sorry for treating Scar so bad... I was angry, and Impy was dead, and it seemed obvious. I'm sorry... Grian, please forgive me. I'm so, so, sorry...'

'8... 9...' Etho continued to count, before pausing and looking up slowly to see Grian staring at him.

'He's counting how many times I say sorry.' Tango explained. 


'That didn't count!' 

'Yes it did! You said the word sorry, so I'm counting it!'

'Stop counting my apologies!'

'Does 'apology' count as another one?'


'Oh, come on! Look, Grian, Scar, I'm genuinely sorry. Just - Sorry. I was stupid, and mean, and I know I've said this a stupid amount of times before but...'

'It's ok.' Scar replied quietly. 'I already forgave you, but I can do it again. I forgive you.'

'Me too.' Grian agreed. 

Tango smiled with relief. 

'Thanks... and I'm sorry about Etho ruining this.' 

The Canadian looked over sheepishly again. There was a pause before...



'What? I'm just curious!'


'Where's Iskall?' Scar asked. 

'Somewhere in his base, thinking that you sent the watchers to attack...' Tango sighed back. 'He still doesn't believe you're innocent.'


'I'm sorry, I tried to tell him, but he wouldn't listen.'


'Fifteen whats?' Hypno entered the room. 

'Times Tango's said the word 'sorry.'

'He's apologising to Scar?'

'Yes. 15 times.' Etho confirmed. 

'I hate you, Etho...'

'No you don't.'

'Yes, I do. Now where was I before I was interrupted again?'

'Iskall not accepting my innocence...' Scar prompted sadly. 'I guess I should just accept it. I'm the bad guy...'

'No! Scar! You're not!'

'Yes, I am.'

'I'm sorry if this is my fault. I'm sorry if I made you feel like this. But this isn't your fault. You've been through so much recently, and I'm so, so, sorry that I made it worse, but it isn't your fault. It's the watchers. I'm sorry about Iskall, but I'm sure he'll see the truth soon. You're. Innocent.'

'How many of us are left? Who's still alive?' Scar changed the subject again. 

'Me, Tango, Scar, Grian, Hypno, Doc, Ren, Cleo, Joe, Stress, Zed, EX, xB, Iskall... 14 hermits. And I've probably forgotten someone.' Etho worked out. 'And Tango's said sorry 19 times.'


'It's true...'

'That means 10 are dead.'

'11. There are 24 hermits, and Xamphe joined. Wait, I missed Taurtis.'

'Wow... that's a lot of dead friends...'


Scar yawned, realising how tired he was. 'I need sleep. Can all of you... leave?'

'Sure. Bye, Scar. And... sorry.'

The group left, leaving Scar alone to drift slowly back to sleep.

Just so y'all know, the word 'sorry' was used 24 times in this chapter. 

I'm not sorry

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