Chapter 27

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GoodTimeWithScar blew up

Tango blew up

Iskall85 blew

DocM77 blew up

Grian blew up

Zedaph blew up

Hypnotyzd blew up

JoehillsTSD: Permadaeth

JoehillsTSD: is it

Grian: no.

Zombiecleo: where?

Hypnotyzd: Aquatown

Evil Xisuma: I just saw a huge explosion from there,

Evil Xisuma: going over to have a look now.

GoodTimeWithScar: Im coming too

GoodTimeWithScar: wati for me

Iskall85: well we'll all know what happened if EX dies...

Scar stared uncomprehendingly at the remains of Aquatown. The streets he and Bdubs had worked so hard to make lay in piles of rubble and smoke. Fires still burnt, and soot stung at the mayor's eyes. Xamphe stood next to him, focussed only on the ground. 

'There's no way we can save it.'

'I know.'

'At least it wasn't permadeath.'


'You build this, right?'

'Me and a friend.'

'And that friend is...'



Scar stepped closer to his ruined project, blinking back tears. The last memories of Bdubs. Gone. 

This was done on purpose.

'Are you ok?' Xamphe stepped closer to Scar.

'Of course I'm not.' He snapped back, facing the admin. 'The watchers are clearly targeting me here. This is my fault.'

'Not everything is your fault...'

'The watchers are going to kill us all. Why? Because I let them. I let them into this world. Doc and Iskall are right. They're controlling me.'

'You can break free. They can't keep playing this game forever.'

'Try telling that to Grian.'

Scar walked away, the sight of Aquatown's remains too much for him to bear. Some of the TNT had even hit the rest of the shopping district. The townhall was crumbling away from the back. Mount Scar-more was a wreck.  

'I'm going to go back to my base. Alone.' Scar muttered, flying away and leaving Xamphe alone. 

Doc woke up in Xisuma's base, scrambling into a sitting position. It took a few minutes to remember what had happened. The argument, the explosion...

This was all Scar's fault.

As the creeper got his barings again, standing up, he realised too that all his stuff would've been destroyed. His gear, food, weapons...


Doc scoured the room, grabbing an elytra and some rockets from a chest. He paused as he looked over the wall of plans from when he and Xisuma were figuring out who the watchers were. A watcher sword was discarded in a corner, so he took it too. Now he had something to kill Scar with.

The lies behind their masks - A(nother) Hermitcraft and Evo AU fanfiction.Where stories live. Discover now