Chapter 8

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'Scar?' Grian walked into the town hall, the last place the mayor might be. He'd searched everywhere else... he had to be here somewhere. 'I'm sorry that everyone was yelling earlier... I don't think you killed Mumbo...' He walked past the diamond throne, listening intently for any noise, before he paused.

A small noise came from somewhere nearby, and Grian looked towards the throne. 


He broke his way into the diamonds, seeing a figure sitting in the corner. Grian entered, and Scar looked up.

'Go away...' 

Grian sat down opposite the mayor. Scar glanced up again.

'I didn't kill him, if that's what you're thinking.' 

'I wasn't thinking that...' 

'What were you thinking?'

'Sorry... for shouting. Everyone was very apologetic after you left. We shouldn't have got so upset, and taken it out on each other.'

'No... it's fine. I deserve it.'

'No! Scar, I don't think you killed Mumbo. Or Impulse. And you definitely didn't kill Jevin.'

'Really?' The mayor tried not to sound as sarcastic as he did. Grian sighed.

'Can you... explain what happened with Impulse, and Mumbo?'

'Why do you want to know... no one else cares.'

'I do... And I think Cub does too.'

'Cub's not here... we're barely even friends any more.'

'Scar, come on...'

'Fine... I'll tell you... when Impulse died, I was walking in aqua-town, and I heard Impulse scream. I went up into his tower, and saw him, dead, and no one else there, with a broken mask on his chest.

'Which way around was the mask?'

'What do you mean?'

'As in...' Grian sighed. 'The mask was sort of rectangular shaped, with spiked bits coming out the bottom. Which way around were the spikes?'

'They were pointing towards his legs, I think.'

'Was there a symbol on it?'


'Ok... that's interesting.'


'It's hard to explain. Anyway, what happened when Mumbo died?'

'I was just flying around my base, Mumbo's- base...'


'And I just blacked out. Mid-flight. And when I woke up, I was kneeling in Larry, holding a bloody sword, with Mumbo's dead body in front of me.'

'What did the sword look like?'

'It was my sword... not my netherite one... a different one, one that I know causes permadeath... but it was definitely mine.'

'What's that sword made of?'

'Silver... or something similar...' 


'And the thing is, only I can use that sword... something stops other people from using it... Grian, even I think I killed Mumbo...'

'It's ok... Thanks for telling me this, Scar... I know for a fact now that you didn't kill Impulse.'


'Yes. But I can't say as certainly that you didn't kill Mumbo.'

'Neither can I...'

The lies behind their masks - A(nother) Hermitcraft and Evo AU fanfiction.Where stories live. Discover now