Chapter 28

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'Hello Scar.'

The mayor looked up at the sound of voices behind him, eyes wide with panic, standing in what was left of the townhall. The diamond throne was a mess of diamond and brick in front of him, blue jewels scattered across the floor. He reached for his sword, before turning. 

Watchers. 3 of them. But they were different. They wore no cloaks, like the rest of the watchers, and each had unique wings. Their masks covered most of their faces, but it was clear that they were Cleo, Stress, and Doc.

'What do you want?' Scar questioned back fearlessly. Doc laughed. 

'Your life.'

There was nowhere to run as the trio charged. Scar yelped, flapping his way into the air just in time. Jellie yowled below, trying to distract the watchers by running past. Doc turned to the cat, while Stress and Cleo chased Scar out of the townhall. 

'Help!' He whined as he darted across the shopping district. The two watchers ran together across the streets, following his shadow. Cleo clawed her way up one of the shops, taking off and flying slowly up towards Scar. The mayor dived towards the ground again, but misjudged and hit the ground, tumbling across the road. He stared at Stress, who was still coming for him, crawling his way onto his feet. A dark shape passed overhead, another following behind.

Scar blinked up, seeing Cleo there, but also another hermit... 


'Scar! I'm coming!' The former watcher reached the mayor, grabbing his hand and hauling him into the sky. Scar kicked off the ground, flapping desperately after him and into the air. Stress skidded to a stop below, and Cleo was trying to hold back blood from a wound in her side. Scar glanced over at Grian again, seeing an obsidian sword in his other hand, stained red. 

'Are you ok? Did they hurt you?'

'' Scar replied, shaken. 

'Good.' Grian watched as Cleo swooped down, landing roughly next to Stress. Neither seemed to want to attack any more. 'Let's get out of here.'

Scar nodded, and the two flew off together. They quickly reached Grian's mansion, where Scar sat down, heart still racing from the fight. Grian joined him, pulling out his communicator and typing a message.

Grian: can everyone left, EXCEPT ISKALL, come to my mansion? 

Iskall85: >:(

Tango: coming! Zed's already with me.

Hypnotyzd: be right there! 

Evil Xisuma: Cya! 

It didn't take long for the rest of the living hermits to arrive. Tango, Zed, Etho, EX, xB, and Hypno all joined Scar and Grian in the latter-most's mansion. They looked around at each other, as though wondering how so few were left.

'Soo... what's this about?' Etho asked, glancing around. 'And why wasn't Iskall invited?'

'Because he would've tried to kill Scar. Again.' Grian explained. 'I wanted to see who was left and discuss our next plans.'

'Where's Doc, Stress, Joe and Cleo?' Tango noted suspiciously.

'Joe I don't know about. Stress, Doc and Cleo have all joined the watchers.'

'What?!' Hypno burst out. 'Why?!'

'Maybe it was something to do with Joe.' Etho suggested. 'Cleo would probably break everyone's legs if anyone threatened him. They might've promised his death if they didn't comply.' 

The lies behind their masks - A(nother) Hermitcraft and Evo AU fanfiction.Where stories live. Discover now