Chapter 19

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Ren walked alone through Tatooren. His arms ached from lugging shulker box after shulker box of blackstone for his terraforming, and he needed a break. 

Just as he was walking, a certain German crashed into the ground in front of him. Ren fell back, as Doc stood up.

'Stupid elytra...' He muttered to himself, removing his broken wings and observing the damages, before he noticed Ren. 'Oh, hi Ren.'

'Hey, Doc... I wasn't expecting this...'

'How's everything going?'

'Ok, I guess. Wanna head over to the canteena to chat?'

'You build the canteena?'

'Yep! Come on, it's over here.'

Ren bounded off, and Doc followed. It didn't take long for them to reach it, and they entered. Doc collapsed in a chair, and Ren followed.

'So... what's up?'


'I know you're stressed out. We've been friends for long enough, bro.'

'I... fine... Everything's just been going wrong recently... I was working with Xisuma to try and fix this, and now it's all my responsibility. I have no idea of Scar is innocent, Bdubs is dead, EX and Taurtis just appeared out of nowhere and I don't know if I can trust them...'

'Wow... that's a lot of mess... But... it will get better eventually... won't it?'

'I don't know... This whole server's a wreck. And nothing I do is helping.'

'Its gonna do something, I'm sure. You're doing your best, that's all that matters.'

'Our friends are dying, Ren!' Doc shouted back. The dog was silent for a moment, hurt. 'Look, I'm sorry. But I'm getting sick of optimism.'

'Oh... I just try and find the best in situations. I'm sorry if you don't like that...'

'Look, Ren. I... I don't know how we're going to get through this. Even if we do, how long's it going to take to recover? Half of us are gone - Bdubs, Xisuma, Cub, Impulse, Mumbo, Jevin, TFC... and Tango's trying to get Scar out ever since Impulse died...' 

'Tango's lost two of his closest friends in this. It's understandable that he's upset. You would be too if your best friends died.'

'True... But, again, I don't know if Scar did it or not. Grian's convinced he isn't, but if Iskall and Tango have to wait any longer for action, they'll murder him themselves. What would you do, Ren?'

'I... I don't think Scar would kill Cub. He's too upset about it, and they were inseparable in almost every other season. Grian's come up with sound evidence for most of the other deaths. So...'

'And everything else? That's just one problem. What would you do about everything else?'

'Try and stop the watchers. Talk to them, ban them... Fight them?'

'According to everything I read, they are unable to be killed. Fighting them would be suicide.'

'I... I remember someone telling me about a stronger power... I can't remember who or what it was, but...'

'They probably want to kill us as well.' 

'Dude, I'm trying to help ya, but you're just shooting down all my-' Ren froze midsentence, as a watcher appeared, behind Doc. They had long hair, and pale wings. Ren pointed at them, trembling. 'Look... behind...'

Doc did. He leapt to his feet, sword out, at the sight of the watcher. But they only laughed, and sat down on one of the spare chairs.

'Nice place. Star wars cantina?' They spoke with a strange accent that Ren and Doc didn't recognize. 


'I've never minded star wars... Now, where was I? Ah yes, killing you.'

'Doc? Should we run?'


'Will we run?'

'Come on... Don't run. I want to talk first. Do either of you know any good jokes?'

'A German coastguard picked up a signal to a boat. The captain said 'Help! We're sinking!' The coastguard replied. 'Hello, It's the German coastguard. What are you sinking about?' Doc replied. The watcher nodded. 

'Nice. German coastguard joke. Anything else?'

'Can we run away now?' Ren asked again.

'Nice joke.'

'Uhh...' Ren ran, and Doc followed. The watcher stood up, and flew after them. 

Renthedog: Hepl1 theres a wahchter chasign sus!!1

Tango: ??

Renthedog: wachter 

Renthedog: watcher

Renthedog: tring ot kill.

Falsesymmetry: Where?

Zombiecleo; Go to my zoo. I'll protect you there

'REN!' Doc yelled, panicked. 'HELP!'

The dog skidded to stop, drawing a bow and firing an arrow. It missed, but the watcher dodged anyway. Doc sprinted even faster, able to get away.



'Cleo's zoo. We'll be safe.'

'Do you have an elytra at all?'

'Have mine!'


'I can run faster than you!'

Ren pulled off his elytra and chucked it at Doc. The creeper donned them and shot into the air. Ren continued to dash away below him, and it didn't take long for the water surrounding Cleo's base to come into view. Doc swooped down and grabbed Ren's hands, lifting him into the air. The watcher still followed, as they landed in the zombie's zoo. 

'Go! Run! We'll hold them off!' Cleo yelled from her position by the portal. Keralis nodded from next to her. Ren quickly thanked them, before finding Cleo's storage and entering after Doc. 

Cleo turned back to the watcher, slicing as they dived to get them. She struck their wing, and they tumbled across the dirt. Keralis fired arrows at them, as the watcher clawed and batted, trying to get to their feet, and eventually doing just that. As they looked around, they saw a horse charging straight for them, and screamed. 

'Go Nametag!' Keralis cheered as he rode. Cleo aimed an arrow, striking the watcher's mask. It cracked, and fell off, revealing a scared face. 

'N... no! Don't kill me! Help!' 

Another watcher appeared, and quickly dispatched Keralis, before disappearing again. Cleo howled her friend's name. She grabbed the watcher's sword, pointing it at them.

'I swear I will break your legs so much you wish you didn't have them.' She spat. The watcher held up their hands in surrender.

'Don't... kill me...' 

Cleo killed them, as Taurtis arrived.

'What's happening I...'

He fell beside the body. All this time... she wasn't dead...But now...'

'Why did you kill her?' Taurtis growled. 'She was my friend.'

'She was a watcher.'

'Her name was Pearlescent Moon, and now she's dead.'


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