Chapter 5

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Me: just about to write a chapter about Mumbo and Scar swapping bases back. 

Mumbo's new episode: Allow me to introduce myself

Mumbo landed in the shopping district, ready to meet with Scar. His mind was still full of happiness about his smelter, and how he'd finally got it to work when the mayor swooped in, landing. 

'Hey Scar!' He greeted. There was no reply. Mumbo shrugged it off.

'So.. should we go and swap bases back? I can show you what I've been working on.'

'Good idea.' 

The two flew off towards their bases. Scar led the way. It was only then that he realised that the mayor had wings.

'Wait... Scar... since when have you had wings?'

Silence. Mumbo didn't pursue the conversation, thinking it was a sore subject. He landed next to the big dig. Scar kept flying. 

'Wait! Scar!' Mumbo took off again. 'Who's base are we going to?'

'Mine.' Scar responded again with a one word answer. Something was definitely wrong. The mayor landed in the monolithic structure. Mumbo crashed into the grass, looking up at him.

'So... what did you do to this place? I noticed you put the chains in.'

'Yes, I did.' Scar replied. He didn't add any more information. 

'Should I show you what I did?'

Mumbo took his silence as a yes, and glided back down to the drill. The mayor followed.

'So... I made a big door here...' he opened the door he'd made, still absolutely chuffed to bits that it worked. Scar merely nodded. Mumbo frowned.

'Scar, are you ok?'

'Yes. I'm fine.'

'You're acting very weirdly...'

'∴⍑ᔑℸ ̣ ᒲᔑꖌᒷᓭ ||𝙹⚍ ℸ ̣ ⍑╎リꖌ ℸ ̣ ⍑ᔑℸ ̣ ?'

Mumbo backed away.

'Scar, you just spoke a different language. You're not ok.'

'I'm ⎓╎リᒷ.'

'Scar, I'm worried. Do I need to tell Grian or Cub that you're acting like this?'

'ᓵᔑリ ∴ᒷ ⊣𝙹 ℸ ̣ 𝙹Larry? The - snail?'

Scar didn't wait for an answer, flying away. Mumbo stayed where he was, unsure of what to do. Before he could make up his mind about what he was doing, Iskall flew past.

'Hey bro!'

'Hey, Iskall!' He pretended everything was normal. 'Doing much?'

'Checking on Pacific.' 

'I added some stuff.'

'Want to show me?'

'No, I'm busy swapping back bases with Scar.' Mumbo darted away, leaving Iskall confused. The Swede shrugged and flew off again. He was used to Mumbo being weird.

The Brit landed next to Larry, and walked inside. He noticed, briefly, that the door was back. Grian was always stealing it. 

Scar was standing there, his eyes purple.

Purple? Scar's eyes were green.

Before he could run, the door slammed closed behind Mumbo. Scar pulled a silver sword from a shulker box behind him and stepped over to him.

'I... Scar... what are you doing?' The architech backed away, across the room. Scar's wings flapped behind him. 'Scar, please. This is silly. Can you stop... please?'

The mayor lunged, and Mumbo jumped out of the way just in time. The sword stuck straight into the wall. Scar pulled it free, and turned on Mumbo again. 

There was a yell from the moustached Englishman, and he pulled his own diamond sword from his inventory, pointing it at Scar. The former Vex was grinning madly at him. Mumbo gulped, jumping wildly out the way as the mayor ran for him. He turned, blocking another blow and trying to disarm Scar. Blood flashed as the Brit hit his arm. Scar hissed, holding the bleeding wound. Mumbo backed for the door, which didn't want to open. Before he could find another way out, he was dodging again. Wood splintered as sword struck door. Scar pulled it free, blocking the only exit. 

'We can talk this out, can't we?' Mumbo pleaded desperately. 'We don't need to fight...'

The mayor charged, and Mumbo jumped over the table in the middle of the room to get out the way. He tripped halfway, and landed face-first on the ground. 

The architech turned onto his back, scrambling away. The mayor stabbed again, and this time his blow was precise. Mumbo stared down at the sword in his chest, and died. 

Scar dropped the sword. He tried to get away, tumbling into the ruined table behind him. Blood seeped slowly across the floor, staining his clothes red. He stood up, backing away, a dull throb in his arm. He looked at it too see it bleeding. What had happened? Why was he here? He was flying... was this a dream? Was he a murderer?

He grabbed something for his arm and tied it quickly up. A piece of paper with his name on was floating on the puddle of red. The deed for his base. Scar looked over at the definitely-not-forged deed for Mumbo's base. He owned both of them now. He must've been trading back... 

Before Scar did anything else, he needed to get rid of the body. Scared of being blamed, he dragged Mumbo's corpse towards the ladder down to the lower level, and carefully pulled it down. He hid it under a pile of shulker boxes, hoping no one would notice, and climbed back up to clean up the blood and change outfits. No one needed to find out. He didn't want to be banned for killing other hermits. He didn't want the shame, the blame, the pain... 

After everything was sorted out, and his wings hidden under his mayor outfit, Scar elytra-d off towards the shopping district, wanting to relax in Aque town. It didn't take long to get there, and he walked around, calming his nerves by looking at all the different shops Hermits had built. 

Until he heard the scream. 

He sped into Impulse's new tower, knowing it had come from there. He climbed up the levels, and froze as he saw Impulse's body in the middle of the room, with a broken mask lying on his bleeding chest. 

There was no sign of anyone breaking their way in, or out. If someone had come, they'd gone remarkably quickly. But just as he was looking around for clues, he heard a voice behind.

'Scar. What have you done?'

I... definitely rushed this chapter. 

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