Chapter 11

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Why did Cub have to release an episode about swapping back, right as I'm about to write something in which it's important that Cub and Doc haven't swapped back?!

'Scar?' Doc looked down at the huddled form of the mayor, hidden in the smallest corner of the pyramid that anyone could possibly find. 

'Why are you here? Where's Cub?' Scar questioned through his tears, scrambling to his feet. 


'Where's. Cub? Why isn't he here? What happened? 

'Cub isn't here any more...'

'What? No! He's not dead! He can't be dead! Nonononononono... Please... I can't have killed him... Why am I so stupid... I killed him... He's dead... it's all my fault...'

'Cub's dead? Scar, what happened?'

'I made a deal with the people who are destroying hermitcraft to save Cub's life and now I've told Grian and I think they've killed him!' It all came out in a mess of tears and words. Doc blinked at him, confused. 

'Scar, Cub's not here because we swapped bases.'


'This isn't his base any more...'

'It... isn't? He's... alive?'

'As far as I know, yes?'

'Oh, sweet Baby Jellie... He's alive...' Scar cried. He slid down the wall again, sitting down. Doc looked at him again, before opening chat.

Docm77: Cub?

Cubfan135: Yes? 

Docm77: Good, you're alive. 

Cubfan135: Why wouldn't I be alive?

Docm77: Long story. I've got a very upset Scar in your old pyramid

Docm77: He thinks you're dead.

Cubfan135: i'm coming!

It didn't take long at all for the former pharaoh to arrive at the entrance to the pyramid, and even less time to find Scar. He was still in his corner, and glanced up and Cub.


'I'll leave you two to it.' Doc walked off, leaving Cub and Scar alone. There was an awkward silence.

'So...' Cub prompted. 'What's this about?'

'I thought you were dead?' Scar replied sheepishly. 



Cub laughed, and sat down. 'I feel like I need some kind of explanation. And, you have wings.' 

'Yes, Cub, I have wings.' Scar continued. 'And they're part of why I thought you were dead.'

'I... what?'

Scar sighed, and explained the whole situation again, with Cub interrupting at regular intervals. He eventually finished, leaving an epic silence.

'So... what did they tell you? If my... death... was for not doing it?'

'Join us, and no one else will die... but if you don't, Cub, you, will die.'

'Wow... you really should've told me about this.'

'Grian told me that... that... they're just going to break the promise anyway, and keeping killing everyone... and that if I told anyone what was happening, that you would still die...'

The lies behind their masks - A(nother) Hermitcraft and Evo AU fanfiction.Where stories live. Discover now