Chapter 24

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'What are you doing? He wants to be alone.' Hypno turned to see Tango, arms crossed, watching him about to enter the room Scar was in. 

'EX told me to talk with him. If you want to deny our admin, then...'

'He shouldn't be admin...' the boomer muttered, but didn't stop Hypno any more. 

'Hey, Scar.' He greeted, entering. He frowned as he noticed that no one was there, and quickly left.

'Where's Scar?'

'What?' Tango stood up straight at the question, clearly concerned.

'He's not in there. Where is he?'

'Go find EX and tell him what's happened. I'll search the shopping district.'

Hypno nodded and ran off, followed by Tango. They left Aquatown, heedless of the furious buzzing in chat. The former glided away from the latter, towards what used to be Xisuma's base, while Tango set off for Scar's base.

'Xamphe! EX! Where are you?' Hypno yelled as he entered the area. There was movement below, and he landed. The white-haired cause of the movement jumped back, landing in the bushes.

'EX! Scar's gone missing, do you know where he is?' It all came out in a rush of words, before Hypno realised it wasn't Xamphe, but Etho staring up at him.

'Hey, Hypno...' The Canadian began awkwardly. 'I'm not Xamphe.'

'Do you know where he is? Scar's gone missing.'

'Scar can look after himself. Besides, it's not like this is a permadeath world. But I saw EX heading towards the shopping district earlier, if you still want him.'

'O... ok. Thanks.' 

Hypno flew quickly off again, red faced, and arrived back in the shopping district. He called Xamphe's name several more times again, before running back into Tango as the boomer left he town hall.

'Any luck?'

'None. Etho said he'd see EX coming over here, but I can't find him here.'

'Scar's not in the jungle. Grian's checking Cub's base in case he's returned there again. I didn't know where else he would be...'

'Try chat. Maybe he left a message?'

'Unlikely... wait, there's EX there... Hey! Xamphe!' Tango called over to the admin as he glided over, landing next to them.

'What's up?'

'Scar's missing. Do you know where he is?'

'Yes. He wanted to return to one of your former worlds, so I let him.'

'Phew... we were beginning to think the watcher's had killed him.'

'They haven't. Come, if you want to speak to him, the portal over is just over here.'

Hypno followed EX off, as Tango watched. The boomer finally walked away, as they got out of sight.

'Why do you want to speak to him?' Xamphe asked curiously. 

'You told me that he was having nightmares, so I wanted to chat about it.'

'Understandable... ah, here we are.'

They landed on the water, and sunk into the respawn base. There was a portal there - one that looked like a nether portal, except one block wide and made of diamonds. EX invited Hypno in.

'Good luck. Scar seemed to want to be alone when he went in, so... try not to upset him. Again.'

Hypno nodded, and walked in.

The season 6 world appeared in front of him, and after a long while realised he was inside a 'Area 77'. He flew into the air, quickly scouting over the village and build off before trying to find Hermit Island. 

Hypno landed inside the walls of a particularly impressive area, surrounded by terraformed mountains and foreboding fencing. Posters covered the walls - blue with a grey circle and the word 'Concorp' across it. He snatched one up, and scanned the base for any movement. He eventually saw the hermit he was looking for sitting by a fountain holding something. He approached, sitting down near Scar.

'Hey.' He began quietly. The mayor looked suddenly over at him, glaring. 

'Why are you here!?' He spat. 'I thought I would alone here.'

''EX suggested that I should talk with you.' Hypno explained calmly. 'I'm sorry if I'm disturbing you.' He glanced down at the pale blue mask in Scar's hands. It had was simply designed with a broadly smiling face on it.

'It was Cub's...' Scar noticed Hypno staring and pocketed the mask quickly. 'What did you want?'

'EX said you'd been having nightmare's as well.'

'Oh yeah...' Scar remembered darkly. 'You had them too?'


'What... about?'

'Jevin mostly. I was the first one to find his dead body. I was just going to insult his existence again...'

'Mine was about killing Cub.'

'I'm sorry...' was all Hypno had to say. Scar sighed. 'I know you would never kill him. And that you didn't. There was no way you would've killed anyone.'

'I killed him here. Concorp. The place we build together. In cold blood.'

'Wow... I wish I could say something that would help.'

'I wanted to come back and try to apologise. But it's not helping. At all.'

Hypno was silent. 

'I don't think you would ever be cruel enough to kill someone. Never.' He eventually said. 

'Not intentionally...' Scar stared at the ground. 

'Mumbo's death wasn't your fault, Scar. Someone else must've done it and framed you. The Watchers must've done it. There's no other solution.'

'But I still lied about it! I hid the body! I was too cowardly to anyone. So I just got stuck in the role of the villain again...'

'I... don't tell this to anyone, but... but I've had dreams about the Watchers too. They speak in a strange language, and I think they're telling me to join them... But after meeting them, I know how bad they can be. How twisted their ideas are. And I know that they've done this. And they've enjoyed every moment. GoodtimeswithScar, this is not. Your. Fault.'

'I gave them a way into Hermitcraft. I let them ruin our lives for a promise they broke anyway. I was stupid enough to let them do it... I just want to be alone.'

'Fine. I'll leave you alone. But come back? Please?'

'I will.' Scar promised. 'I promise I will.'

Hypno nodded, and flew off again, returning to the season 7 world. Xamphe was sitting there, and stood up when he saw the black-clad hermit.

'Find him?'

'Yes. But he wanted to be alone still.'


Hypno nodded minimally, and left the respawn, returning quickly to the shopping district. Tango ran into him, panicking.


'What happened? What's going on?' Hypno ran after Tango, and the two entered Aquatown. 



Doc crashed out of the building, red eyed from crying, and collapsed to the ground. Tango glanced over at Hypno. 

'What happened? Is Ren ok?'

Doc didn't answer in his sadness, and sat there for a long time before he spoke.

'Ren's... dead...'

The lies behind their masks - A(nother) Hermitcraft and Evo AU fanfiction.Where stories live. Discover now