Chapter 12

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'I managed to speak to someone.' 

The prisoner looked over at the other prisoner, disbelieving.


'I spoke to one of the hermits psychically.'

'You... what?'

'It wasn't Grian. It must've been another watcher, though. Only watchers to can talk to each other like that.'

'Ok... who was it?'

'Someone called Scar.'

'Scar? I know him... he was stunning at building and terraforming.'

'He seemed very unhappy about... everything.'

'Did he say why?'

'Why are you asking so much? Were you his friend?'

He didn't reply.

'So, you're one of the watchers.' He asked instead. 

'Yes. And stop avoiding the question.'

'I don't have to tell you anything.'

'Well, neither do I.'

'When are you going to be 'freed'?'

'I don't know... but about a week's time. We need to get out before then.'

'Ok... any reason why I can't get out on my own without you?'

'Yes. Because if we don't get out, I will be forced to kill you when I'm released.'

Doc froze. 

Blood surrounded the body of Cub, his black and blue suit now red, sprawled on the ground. No weapon, no sign of an attacker. 

Scar had just left the pyramid. 

Could he- no, Scar would never... they were arguing... just before... it fell silent... Scar must've... killed... Doc paced, hands clenched, in front of the corpse. He glanced back at Cub for a moment, before flying off. 

Scar can't have got too far away, Doc figured, as he searched for the mayor. He should tell Xisuma first. No. Xisuma would just get in the way. If this was going to stop, Scar had to die. 

It didn't take long to find the mayor. He'd gone to Aquatown, and was walking around, wings out for all to see. It appeared that he'd stopped trying to hide them. 

'Scar!' Doc yelled. The now-winged enemy turned, surprised.

'Hey, Doc...' Scar focussed on the ground. 'What's... going on?'

'You know as well as I do what's going on.'

'Look, I just got angry, ok? I didn't mean to lash out at Cub. I... shouldn't have done it... and if he's too scared to face me, because he's regretting it too, then tell him to see me himself later.'

'Don't play dumb. Cub didn't send me here.'

'Then why are you here?'

'Because he's dead.'

There was a moment of silence. 

'N-no... that's not... it can't....' 

'Yes, it is. And you killed him.'

'You're lying, aren't you? This is a joke... what day is it? Is it April fools day? Is this just some sick joke?'


'He can't be dead. He just... can't... no, you're lying...' 

'I'm not. And you killed him.'

'I didn't... please... I'm not... I'd never...' Scar sobbed, refusing to believe. 

'You did.'

'I didn't!'

'Scar, no one trusts you any more. No need to pretend that we do.' Doc's words cut deep. Scar began to back away, tears down his face. 

'I... please...'

'Give up, Scar. You're trapped.  You've been caught red-handed.'

Scar glanced behind him, still stumbling back. He looked back at Doc for a moment before he fled.

Doc sprinted after the mayor, pulling out his bow. Scar kept running, looking for some kind of escape, trying to fly. Doc quickly caught up, shooting the mayor right in the shoulder. He yelped and stumbled over, rolling in the dust. Doc skidded to a stop next to Scar, sword pointed at the helpless hermit. 

'Please...' Scar didn't try to get away. Doc refused to move. 

'Why should I give you what you want?'

'Are you... Are you going to kill me?' Scar whimpered. 'Please...'

Doc was silent. It was the perfect moment to strike. But seeing his former friend trembling at his mercy; crying, bleeding, cowering... He rethought his plan.

'Get up. I'm taking you to X. He'll know what to do with a traitor like you.' Doc pulled Scar roughly to his feet. The mayor didn't resist he was dragged along behind, and flew off after Doc towards Xisuma's base.

They landed just inside the biggest tower, and Doc knocked on a closed door inside. Scar focussed on the ground as it opened.

'Doc? What happened? Why's Scar here?'

'Cub's dead. Scar's still saying he didn't do it.' 

'Cub's dead? Where?' Grian appeared in the entrance. Doc frowned at him.

'What's Grian doing here?' He asked, not bothering to hide his annoyance.

'He was telling me something. Don't worry about it. Now, Cub's dead?'

'Yes. And Scar's the only suspect.'

'But... why would Scar kill Cub?' Grian blurted out. 'They're best friends! He'd never do it!'

'They were arguing, and then it was suddenly silent, and Scar flew away. I found him in Aquatown, pretending he had no idea what happened.'

'Ok. Where is this?'

'In the pyramid. I'll show you.' Scar followed as Doc began to walk away, glancing back to see if Xisuma was following.

'No. Scar, stay here.' 


'Stay here.' The admin repeated himself. 

'But... but Cub's dead! I want to see the body!'

'No. You won't. Stay here.'

'Why?! He's my best friend! I want to- I NEED to...'

'You're going to stay here until I come back.' Xisuma maintained a calm tone. 

'Please, this isn't fair. I didn't do it. I need to see the body. He's my friend! I want to say goodbye!'

'I'm sorry.' 

'I want to say sorry to him! For what I did! The last think I said to him was shouted. I hurt his feelings. I to,d him he wasn't my friend. Please, Xisuma... I need to see him... I... I...'

'Grian, come on.' Xisuma walked off. The builder paused, giving Scar a look of sympathy, before he followed Doc and X away. Scar watched as they flew off, furious tears in his eyes, before entering the room X had left. He slammed the door behind, sunk to the ground, and sobbed.

The lies behind their masks - A(nother) Hermitcraft and Evo AU fanfiction.Where stories live. Discover now