Chapter 17

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Xamphe screamed his brother's name, running over to the watcher and brutally slicing them. They stumbled back, into the portal again, leaving a trail of blood behind. He sunk down next to Xisuma, who was still breathing ragged breaths, staring at him with a smile on his face.

'I'm sorry...' he whispered. 'I forgive you. And I'm sure you'll make a better admin that I ever... did...'

'Wait... what?' 

Evil Xisuma was made admin by Xisuma.

And with a final nod at his brother, Xisuma died. 

'Are you still going to say that Scar's doing this, Tango?' Grian growled. 

'Why are YOU the one he chose?' The boomer spat at Xamphe. Taurtis just gazed uncomprehending at the body. 

'He's... just dead... Xisuma's... dead... I thought... he could... never... be killed... like...' He could barely speak. 'And now... now...'

'I should check on Scar.' Grian muttered, before flying away. Tango glared at Xamphe one last time, before heading back to his Among Us project. There was a sigh from the new admin, and he gazed over his brother's body one last time, blinking back tears. Taurtis watched as he formed himself a pair of rather futuristic red holographic wings and flew away, leaving him alone.

The mayor landed in the tent above Mumbo's base. Jellie walked over to him, meowing. Scar stroked her, sitting down. The cat leapt onto his lap, attempting to cheer him up with her most adorable face. There was a sigh from the mayor. There was no way that anything could get worse. But just as he was thinking that, a red clad figure crashed into his base. Scar stood up, and Jellie leapt away in fright, hissing furiously. 

Xamphe looked around, his wings flickering away, and noticed Scar there.

'I'm not going to hurt you...' He muttered. 

'I... I didn't think you were going to... you just...  scared me a bit.' 


'Yeah...' There was a short moment of silence, until Scar continued. 'I'm... Scar... by the way...'

'Xamphe.' They shook hands, and X's brother sat down. 'I kinda wanted to talk to you...'


'Because... I think I know how you feel...' 

'You don't.' Scar focused on the ground. 

'I mean.... I know what it's like to be hated, and blamed, and thought of as the villain.'

'Xisuma told me the story.'

'I thought he wanted everyone to think I was bad...'

'He... felt really guilty about it... and he wanted to say sorry.'

'He made me admin... I guess that stands for something...'

'Admin? But... But why not him?'

'He died. A watcher killed him, just after you left.'

'And now everyone's going to blame me...' 

'I'm sorry... I wish I could help.' Xamphe swept his hair off his face awkwardly, unsure on what else to say. 'And... I saw... what you... did to...'

Scar pulled his sleeves down subconsciously, but Xamphe grabbed his hand before he could. 

'Let me see.' 

The mayor didn't obey instantly, but eventually turned his arm enough for the new admin to see the cuts up his arm. Scar didn't look at them. 

'They look bad...' Xamphe murmured sympathetically. 'Here...' He tore a scrap of material from his top, and dabbed the wounds gently. Scar winced with the pain, but let it happen. It didn't take long to clean off the blood, and Xamphe quickly bandaged up the forearm after he'd done. 

'Thanks...' Scar glanced over at the covered cuts. Jellie padded over again, sniffing the white material suspiciously, but decided it was ok. She jumped onto Xamphe's lap, purring. 'Oh, come on, Jellie...' 

Xamphe laughed, before stroking her. Jellie collapsed into his arms, paws batting the air with joy. 

'She really likes you. It normally takes a long time for a her to trust people.' Scar noted sadly. 'I think the last person she took to so well was...' He drifted away midsentence. Xamphe noticed.

'Who was it?'

'No one...' He tried to lie. 

'I know they were important to you...'

'Fine. My best friend, Cub. He died.'

'Wait... I think I saw you with him when I last came to the server... Was it the bald guy with the beard and labcoat?'

'Yes. That was him.'

'I'm sorry... I wish I could make it better for you.'

'I just want to say sorry...' Scar sobbed. Xamphe tried to comfort him.

'I'm sure whatever you did wasn't enough to merit an apology.'

'I shouted at him. I told him he meant nothing to me. When he was the most important person in my life.'

'I hope that this cat was second most important.'

Scar laughed. 'Yeah, Jellie's second.' Jellie gave him a disappointed look, as though wondering why she wasn't first.'

'How did you meet?'

'Oh, I jumped through his window.'

'You what?'

'Yeah, I jumped into the window of the building he was in... He was quite startled...' Scar laughed at the memory.

'And he trusted you?'

'Jellie trusted him, and then he decided to trust me... He even asked what Jellie's name was first...'

'And then you became closer?'


'Wow... I'm sorry that he died...'


'Do you have any other close friends here?'

'Grian. And there was Bdubs... but he also died... I didn't even see the body... and still everyone said it was my fault.'

'Can you at least try and prove you're innocent?'

'Tried it. Didn't work.'

'Yeah... I should probably go.' 

'Oh... bye...'

And with that, Xamphe flew away. 

Another boring chapter... hooray...

Also, I'm making a turf war animatic. And will probably post it on my account somewhere at some point. :)

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