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The decision had been unanimous.

Even Doc had begrudgingly accepted Scar as leader, admin, and mayor of 'season 8', only doing that because he figured that the watchers would kill him even quicker. 

Now Scar stood in his starter tent, silent, thinking. A campsite had been build next to the spawn area, where all the remaining hermits had set up their homes, and where they would remain until they felt brave enough to explore. Basic security had been figured out, enough to delay the Watchers coming in. If Xisuma or Xamphe were still alive, it would've been much stronger.

Don't think about that. Scar scolded himself. Try to forget what's happened, and stay calm. The Watchers will leave us alone eventually. Grian will hold them off. Grian won't let us get hurt. Grian... probably isn't dead...

'NO.' the campsite fell even quieter as Scar yelled out the word, refusal to accept what was most likely the truth fueling his outburst. Jellie mewed questioningly from the side, fur bristling. 

'Sorry, Jellie...' Scar apologised, stroking his cat. The feline quickly forgot everything her owner had ever done wrong and tumbled onto her back, purring. Scar laughed, fussing over until Cleo brought him back to reality. 

'You're awake!' The mayor turned around to see the zombie, looking more dead than normal, with her hair a mess, eyes half-closed and wings torn. She smiled over at him.

'Hey, Scar.' Her eyes flitted to the corner, and Scar followed them, puzzled. 

'Th... there's nothing there?'

'You can't see him?'

'Who? What? There's no one there?'

'It's probably nothing... I just wanted to make sure you knew I was alive...' Cleo didn't stop looking at the corner, and Scar glanced back. 

'Who even is it you saw?'

'Nothing. It doesn't matter. I'm still mostly dead... See you around...'

'I want to know who it is you saw.'

'No one. I'm hallucinating.' Cleo shook off the conversation easily. 'Anyway, Etho's started a farm for wheat, and we've captured some cows.'

'Cows? Great!' Scar shot a perplexed look at the corner one more time, before letting it go. 'I should check up on stuff anyway... Bye mysterious corner person!' 

'Bye...' Came a reply he couldn't hear. 

And the ghost of Cubfan watched him leave.

The end? 


There is going to be a sequel!

Its going to be called 'The smiles of hidden ghosts.'

And I'll release it very soon.


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