Chapter 20

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Scar was having a bad dream.

He was standing just outside Concorp, by the fountain, alone. A pair of masks sat in front of him. One his own vex mask, and the other a watcher mask. Both were cracked. 

'Hey, Scar!' It was a voice he hadn't heard in a while. Scar turned, expecting to see Cub, and yelled out in panic.

It was his friend, but it was exactly as he was when he had died. Bloody and ghostly, standing there in his torn black suit. Scar tried to run, but found himself horribly transfixed.

'What's... wrong?' His friend noticed his expression, and his face fell. 'Come on, Scar. It's just me, isn't it?' Cub tried to laugh it off, but Scar only backed away. He gripped his sword tighter, oblivious to the fact he hadn't been holding it previously.

'Cub... you're...'

'I'm what?'

'You... you died... you should be dead...'

'What do you... mean? I'm alive? I'm right here?'

'No... I remember. You died... in your pyramid... we'd been arguing...'

'We'd never argue! Come on, Scar. Are you... ok?' Cub approached.

'Get away from me!' Scar snapped back, sword pointed straight at his friend. Cub stared down at it. 

'Wh... Are you going to kill me?'

'Unless you stay away from me, and stop pretending, yes.'

'I'm not pretending. I'm telling the truth...'

'But... but you're covered in blood! You're a ghost!'

'No... I'm not... Scar, come on. You're starting to scare me...'

'Good! Because you're scaring me! Get away!'

'Not until you explain what's going on. I mean, I love a good prank as much as the next hermit, but...'

'This isn't a prank! Get away from me!' Scar sliced as his friend came towards him. It struck Cub's arm. The other vex looked at it, hurt. 

'What did I ever do to you?' 

'You died! You abandoned me! Everyone hates me now!'

'No one hates you! And I never abandoned you!'

'Liar!' Scar slashed again, hitting Cub straight in the stomach. He stumbled back, bleeding heavier.

'Get. Away!' Scar didn't realise the tears were pouring down his face until they began to obscure his vision. The redness spread over the ground, and Scar approached again. 'I swear to Jellie, if you don't apologise for everything...'

'I'm sorry? For whatever I did to you, I'm sorry. Now, stop this, and tell me what's going on.' One of Cub's hands reached for his own sword. Scar glared at it. 

'You're the one doing This, aren't you?'

'Doing what?!'

'Killing everyone! And you want to kill me now!'

'You're the one who's acting weirdly! I'm trying to help!'

'Well, you're not doing a very good job at that, are you?'

'I don't know! Scar, stop this. Please.'

'Never!' He swung his sword again, but Cub managed to block it. The two fell away, and Scar came in again,

It was instantly over. Cub tripped backwards, landing on the ground winded, and Scar stabbed. There was no way to block, or avoid the impact, and Cub died again.

'No! Wait! I'm sorry! Please! Cub! Wake up! Please!' Scar fell beside his friend, realising what he'd done. Realising what he'd become. 'Please... I'm sorry... Cub... please...' 

Another voice came in the background, calling his name. Scar didn't reply, clutching his friend's corpse protectively. 'Please... wake up... you weren't to blame... you're not to blame... I am...'

'Wake up, Scar...' 

The voices grew even louder as he sobbed. Footsteps rose from behind him, and the shadow of a sword about to strike when...


The mayor burst awake, scrambling into a sitting position. He hugged his blankets close as he looked around the room, and saw Tango and Iskall there, standing with swords in their hands.

'W... what do... what do you want?' Scar somehow managed to say, the nightmare still etched in his mind. 

'Revenge.' Tango snarled simply. Scar gulped, failing to stay calm. 

'I'm not to blame...'

'Then how come you were muttering that you were in your sleep?' The boomer asked. 

''Cub! Please! Wake up! It's not my fault.'' Iskall mimicked coldly. Scar grabbed his sword and pointed it at the Swede. 

'One more word...' He snarled. Tango pushed the blade away.

'Make that move and then I'll have sound evidence that you're a murderer.' He responded. Scar glared at him. 'Now, get up.' 

Scar obeyed, keeping his sword in his hand. As soon as he was out, it was snatched from him and Iskall shoved him against the wall. Tango pointed his own sword towards his neck.

'Why did you kill Impulse?' He growled. Scar didn't reply. 'What did he ever do to you.'

'I... I didn't...' 

'LIAR! All the evidence points to you doing this.' 

'Grian proved I... The... the watchers...' 

'Come on Scar, we know you did it. You've been caught red-handed too many times for it to be a coincidence.'

'Now, why. Did. You. KILL HIM?!'




'And what about Mumbo?' Iskall chimed in. 'Did he deserve to die too? Or was it a watcher that hid his body in your base?'


'Answer the question, Scar.' Tango demanded.



'I DON'T KNOW! I don't know if I killed him! And if I did, then I didn't mean to!'

'Were you actually meaning to do anything with those new wings of yours, Scar?' Tango threatened, moving his sword to the feathered limbs. Scar flinched away from it, trying to fold his wings. 'Answer honestly, or you'll have to go back to an elytra.'

'Please... I'm innocent...' Scar pleaded desperately. 

'You really think I'm going to listen to that?'

'No... Because you've already made up your mind about my innocence, haven't you?' 

'Well, it's obvious that you're not, so...'

'What would Impulse think? What would he do if you were dead?' 

Tango paused for a moment, eyes narrowed.

'Don't try and change my mind with stupid questions.'

'Because I don't think he'd try and kill me for a LIE.'

'You're lying? Oh, finally you reveal something we already know.' 

'You're the ones lying. Lying to yourselves.' Scar tried to get up, but Tango's sword stopped him. 

'Don't you dare...'

'If you're thinking of hurting Scar.' A voice rang through the room. 'Then I would think again.' 

Tango and Iskall turned to the door to see Grian, ready.

Ready to kill.


The lies behind their masks - A(nother) Hermitcraft and Evo AU fanfiction.Where stories live. Discover now