Chapter 26

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Grian yelled his friend's name, charging at Doc and joining Tango in wrestling him away from the mayor. The creeper screeched back with incoherent German, succeeding in knocking Grian to the ground. Tango pushed Doc away, sword out as he intersected the battle. Scar slid to the floor, whimpering. 

'Stop this.' The boomer demanded. Doc replied with a few choice swear words. 'Scar's innocent.'

'Er bist Sch**sse.'

'DOC.' Tango repeated. 'STOP.' 

The German punched Tango to the floor, approaching again. Hypno flew at him, bowling Doc over, sword to his neck.

'Give up or I kill you.'

'Dann komme ich einfach zurück und tötet ihn wieder.' The German grinned murderously. 

'Scar's done nothing wrong.'

'Warum ist er wichtiger als Rens Tod?'

'Stop talking German and give up!' Hypno snarled, just as Iskall appeared. 

'What's going on here?'

'Scar hat Ren getoten!' 


'What a surprise. Our little murderer friend killed another.'

'Scar didn't do ANYTHING! Doc's just mad for no reason!' Grian burst out loyally, getting to his feet. Tango nodded. 

'Ren died from his injuries from the watcher attack. He wasn't killed by Scar!' Hypno added. 'Doc's the one trying to kill. He would've killed Scar if we hadn't interfered.'

'And now I can do it for him.'

'ISKALL!' Grian drew an obsidian sword, eyes flashing purple. 'YOU'RE NOT KILLING SCAR!'

'TRAITOR!' Iskall yelled back. 'HE'S A WATCHER! GRIAN'S A WATCHER!'

'Grian?!' Tango sounded betrayed. 'You can't be...'

'Yes, I was once one of the Watchers. Until I found out they'd destroyed my world and killed every single one of my friends living there.' Grian explained icily. 'So I wouldn't go calling me a traitor, because I would rather eat diorite than join their side again!'

'Then why are you protecting Scar?'

'For goodness sake! Scar. Isn't. Guilty!'

'DOC! NO!' Grian snapped his head around as the creeper freed himself from Hypno, attacking Scar again. The mayor screamed, failing at defending himself. Iskall joined in, passing the shell-shocked Grian while he was distracted. Tango yelled out something incoherent, Zedaph appeared from absolutely nowhere, and Hypno desperately tried to drag Doc out of range of Scar.

'wHAT's gOiNG oN?' Zedaph questioned, taking in the scene in front of him. 'I heard yelling and came over.'

'Doc and Iskall want to kill Scar. Scar is STILL innocent, Ren's dead, and everything's going wrong!' Grian explained hastily, grabbing Iskall's hoodie by the hood and holding on to it. Tango, pointed at something else that had just appeared, unable to produce any understandable words in his panic.

'WATCHER!' Zed screeched for him, backing away. Hypno dared a glance over, but was knocked down by Doc as he tried to hit Scar again. Grain shrieked in a pitch several octaves higher than normal as Iskall got away from him. 

'FREEZE!' The watcher ordered in Galactic. Everyone stopped, even Doc and Iskall. 'ᓭ𝙹ᒲᒷ𝙹リᒷ ᒷ ̇/!¡ꖎᔑ╎リ ∴⍑ᔑℸ ̣ 'ᓭ ⊣𝙹╎リ⊣ 𝙹リ.' 

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