Chapter 21

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Grian stepped into the room, silently staring at the scene around him. Iskall and Tango watched him, the latter holding a sword, and Scar trembled against the wall - unhurt but clearly shaken. 

'What's going on?' He questioned. 'And why are you treating Scar like this?'

'He killed two of my best friends. I'm finally giving him what he deserves.' Tango replied unapologetically. 

'Yeah.' Iskall agreed. Grian glared at them both, 

'You're horrible.' He spat. 'I've proved over and over again that Scar's innocent, and even now, when watchers have just killed Keralis, you're hurting him for nothing. Apologise. Now.'

'Why should we apologise to a murderer?' Tango stated simply, walking away. Iskall nodded, and followed. 

'Thanks, Grian...' Scar smiled weakly. 'I... I think you just saved my life...'

'We need to tell Xisuma - I mean, Xamphe - about this.' 

'He won't listen. No one listens to me any more...'

'I do.' Grian sat down next to the mayor. 'What's going on?'

'You know what's going on. Everyone's dying, and Tango and Iskall decided they would personally make sure I knew I was responsible.'

'So they attacked you?'

'They kept asking why I killed Impulse and Mumbo... They didn't hurt me, but were going to.' Scar paused, wiping away tears. 

'Do you want a hug?'


The two hugged, Grian comforting Scar. 

'I'm sure you're tired of people saying everything will be ok...' Grian muttered. Scar nodded.

'It's all anyone can seem to say...'

'Well, I know you Scar. And I know that you'll get through this, and you've always managed to make me happy. So I hope I can do the same for you.'

'Aww...' Scar smiled. 'Thanks G.'

'No problem. I'll always try to be here for you.'

'I know.' Scar broke away, and Grian frowned with concern as he stared at the ground.


'I... I just remembered my... dream...' 


'The worst.'

'I'm sorry.'

'I killed Cub.'

'What?! Scar, I-'

'In my dream. I killed him, but he looked how he did when he was already... dead... He couldn't see what was going on... he was confused, and concerned, and I killed him.' Scar burst into a fresh round of tears. Grian comforted him, silent, knowing his friend would prefer that. Eventually, once he'd recovered, Grian spoke.

'Should we go to EX now?'

Scar nodded, and the two flew off towards what used to be Xisuma's base. They landed in the main tower, seeing Xamphe there.

'Hey! Grian, Scar.'

'Hey... Do you have some time? Scar wants to... tell you something.' Grian glanced over at his friend as he spoke. Xamphe nodded. 

'Sure! I'm assuming you'd like to talk in private?'

Scar nodded wordlessly, following Xamphe into a room. Grian watched them enter, and the door cloing behind.

The lies behind their masks - A(nother) Hermitcraft and Evo AU fanfiction.Where stories live. Discover now