So I Picked up a Pen and a Microphone

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Angie's POV

Abby was out of the hospital! She didn't have a concussion and she was free to go later that day. Courtney was being monitored. Unfortunately.

Into the Woods auditions we're coming up and I hadn't rehearsed at all. I was always at the hospital, which by the way is still terrifying, and I just was too busy worrying about Courtney.

"Hey Angie, wasn't that audition for your school musical coming up?" Courtney asked as I did my homework in her hospital room.

"Yeah. It's tomorrow. I don't think I'll have enough time to prepare." I looked back down at my notes.

Her book slammed shut. "Come here Angie."

I sat beside her on the hospital bed. "What is it Courtney?"

She opened her laptop and found a script for Into the Woods. "You know the songs right?"


"Tomorrow's Saturday right?"


"Your moms let you have coffee right?"


"Great! You be Cinderella. I'm helping you get off book before auditions."

It literally took all night, from four o'clock when we started to three in the morning but we did it. I memorized all of Cinderella's lines in Into the Woods, practiced my audition song until I'm pretty sure the nurses knew it by heart, and drank a shhh ton of coffee and tea.

I was ready.

It was around nine in the morning when Andrea woke us up.

Auditions were at twelve, I had time.

I spoke as little as possible, because after signing all night my throat was tired. 

It was quiet as I got ready. And before I knew it I was standing in front of the school building internally panicking.

Sam guided me in, and gave me a small helpful push into the choir room.

I was really jittery until Caleb sat beside me. "You ready Cindy?"

"As ready as I can be Jack."

And auditions started. Caleb and I were going a duet, because I needed him up there and we wanted to be original. We grabbed the microphone stands, made sure they weren't plugged in, and started singing/dramatically acting.

(Bold:Angie, Italics:Caleb, Underlined:Both)

"It's a cautionary tale, of fear and lust and pride, based on actual events, where people died."

"No one died, but how far would you go, to be popular and hot? Would you resist temptation?"

"No you would not. Just admit it sometimes,"

"Mean is what you are, mean is easier than nice, and though mean can take you far, maybe this will make you think twice!"


"This is a cautionary tale, about corruption and betrayal."

"And getting hit by a bus."

"You can't buy integrity, at the mall it's not for sale."


"Thank you."

"This is a cautionary taaaaaaalllleeeeeeeaaaalllle!"

"Our story begins across the globe in Africa! Africa!"

We bowed dramatically and sat back down.

I'm now starting to wonder how Janis=Cinderella. DONT BLAME ME! IT WAS CALEB'S IDEA!"

Miss Johnson smiled at us. Once everyone was finished singing she handed out lines.

She got to me and started to hand me the lines.

"No thank you. I'm off book."

"The whole show?"

"Well, I mostly studied Cinderella's parts, but I'm pretty good on the rest of it too."

"Okay then. Good job! Let's have you do the first scene Cinderella has with the Baker's Wife. Right after the first night of the festival." She nodded at me. "Dara go ahead."

Dara was a talented junior going for the Baker's Wife. She gave me a nervous smile before taking it from the top of the scene.

"Are you alright miss?" Dara asked.

Angie gasped for breath. "Yes. I just need to catch my breath."

Dara pretended to admire the leggings and NYU sweatshirt I saw wearing. (I'm touring campuses.) "What a beautiful gown you're wearing. Were you at the King's festival?"

I looked away behind me quickly. "Yes.."

"Aren't you the lucky one. Why are you ever in the woods at this hour?"

I suddenly looked behind my, sent Dara pleading eyes and put a finger to my lips before running past her.

Miss Johnson smiled. "Lovely girls. Why don't we do the Jack lines. Ah, you, and you."

She pointed. "Now up you go scene three after Giants in the Sky."

I watched. Caleb did amazing reading for Jack.

"One last thing everybody." 

I could tell everybody was holding in a massive groan. We'd been here for three hours.

"The rent on the theatre has gone up, despite our ties. We're going to pull this production together in two and a half weeks. And on that note let's reveal the cast!"

Everyone exploded.

"The Baker! Max you got the part! And Dara you're the Baker's wife. Jack will be played by Caleb, and Cinderella will be Angie. The Witch..."

I tuned out.


All of the dialogue from Into the Woods came from my script from when I was in elementary school.

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