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Angie's POV

I'm lucky to be alive.

Yes that's like a really cheesy and stereotypical statement, but it's true. And not just because of my crazy busy schedule, which by the way consisted of school, homework, Into the Woods which finally ended after a whole week of shows, rehearsals for a Broadway musical, and you know, essential things to live!

And then there's the whole sleep deprived thing I got going on, which almost killed my the other day when I almost walked into oncoming traffic. AGAIN.

So yeah, I'm lucky to be alive.

We have our final rehearsal for The Prom today, Bianca and I have been busily preparing for the cast change and we have our parts, as well as swing roles, and understudy roles.

The casting director told me eventually when Izzy leaves they're going to want to put my in the role of Alyssa, which is a lot of pressure because I'm not even eighteen yet, but apparently that's why they didn't make me a swing.

Caleb is a supporting friend, forcing us to eat between rehearsals, making sure we drink enough water, literally commanding us to sleep.

And my family has been really supportive. Before rehearsals I was just going to have a nice breakfast with my family, today we didn't have school. (Because I forgot that you know, this book needs more content with the actual cast.)

"Hey Star." It's Abby, she's comes into my room as I'm renewing my script and doing some homework. "We have a surprise for you."

I look up. "What?" I'm really confused.

"Hey lil sis." Courtney walks, WALKS, into the room without her crutches.

"Courtney!" I rushed to hug her.

"Surprise! Turns out I healed faster and I could get my cast off!"

It was a really nice one hour. Nicole ended up walking me to rehearsal, because she was headed that way anyway. 

"Hey I know I don't spend as much time with you as I do Mallory and Courtney. You're still my sister." I say.

"I know Lil A."

"Lil A?"

"Everyone else has a nickname for you. Now I do too. But can we take a moment to reflect on how many nicknames this family has given you?" Nicole smiled at me.

"Well, Mama, Mom, and Dad call me Songbird. Anna calls me Popcorn. Abby calls me Star. I grew a little bit but I'm still short so Mallory calls my Dwarfy. Courtney calls me sis or lil sis. Brittany calls me trouble 1. And Adrianna doesn't have a nickname for me. Oh and everybody calls me Angie but that doesn't really count." I count off.

"That's a lot Lil A. You now have...eight nicknames? Yeah eight. Cause Courtney has two." Nicole wrapped her arm around my shoulders. I am way shorter than her. But I am an inch taller than Brittany and Andrea.

"Oh it's my stop. Thanks for walking me Nicole." I gave her a hug.

"It's the least I could do. You're my little sister. And you're seventeen and in a Broadway show oh I'm gonna cry!" She joked.

"Bye Nicole!"

"Bye Lil A."


"The, the New York Times are coming because, because I'm in a show?"

"You're famous remember. You're adopted by Six, your family opened a school for you, you went viral at Waitress, and sooo much more. Angie you're like a mini celebrity!" Bianca said. "The Times called like five minutes ago. Hey breath. I'm gonna call Janelle and Caleb. They'll be here soon sit down in right here."

She must have noticed my pale face and slight ability to not breath at all.

A few minutes later Caleb, who by the way was wearing pink, bounded into the room. It's Wednesday, on Wednesdays we wear pink. I was wearing pink. So was Bianca. 

"Sis I just heard the news! That's soooo great! Oh hey Angie just breathe. It's okay."

Janelle came in soon after, also wearing some pink.

"Hey honey shhh. It's okay. I have something that's going to make you think."

"What is it Ellie? I'm kind of stressed."

"You know I love you more than anything right?" She asked. I nodded. "Angie what if after you graduate we move in together?"

I choke on air, which wasn't in my lungs. "Really? You love me that much?"

"Was there ever really a question? Are you decent now?" She hands me my water bottle casually.

"Yeah I'm surviving. I'd love that Ellie. We'll start looking at apartment listings soon, and we'll talk more. But for now we have a show to put on!"

"Okay everybody! We're going to run You Happened! Okay, Evan get ready for the promposal." (We met Evan in Adopted by The Prom. He's my OC who's going to be Nick.)

Evan is quick to get into his spot. Bianca and I wave to Caleb and Janelle as they hurry out and we get into place.

It's the rare rehearsal where the current cast can join us. Izzy gets into her spot, while the current  ensemble is preparing for their last show.

It's a very bittersweet day. But it's exciting when Bianca and I get to bring our things to our dressing room. We wait there for the show to end and we have a party with the cast, before it finally sets in for me.

"Hey Bia." I say as we bring a box into the dressing room. The show is over and their things have been cleared out. 

"Yeah Angie?"

"We're in a Broadway show."

"Oh shoot help me!" It's Caleb and Janelle, who are moving a couch through the hallway for us.

Bianca smiles at me. "Yup." Then she hurries to help them get the couch through the doorway.

We opened tomorrow.

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