chapter 2

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Taehyung come home but his heart was beating fast fast because of the earlier interaction with Jungkook .....Well it was not much for sure but still, it was too much for him

"Omo Taehyungie is home why you didn't inform me, baby ..come sit you must be tired" a woman who is Taehyung's mom said

"Relax mom I'm fine ok just came and how many times I've to tell you to stop worrying so much about me," Taehyung said softly

"Oh, Taehyungie how can I not hmm..? I'm your mom and you know abo-

"Stop  already mom  I know about me you don't need to remind me that again and again, " Taehyung shouted getting pissed and went to his room

"Knock Knock Can I come in  your highness..?" A man asked

"Who are you?" Taehyung asked still looking out of the window

"I'm your forever server highness I brought your favourite strawberries and homemade sandwiches," the man came inside with a tray filled with foods that made Taehyung smile

But Taehyung stop himself from smiling making the man stand there pouting

"Uff Dad stop pouting and give me the food but that doesn't mean I forgive your annoying wife," Taehyung roll his eyes taking his food and star chewing cutely but glaring at his mother who was standing by the door

"Of-course highness I don't even know her I'm here to serve you only" Taehyung father said and his mom glared at him but when Taehyung looked at her she pout more and it saded Taehyung

"Dad that's rude your going to sleep in the leaving room today," Taehyung giggled

"Well no because I'll crash into your room," his father declares proudly

"Well old man that's not happening you will be sleeping on the floor for snitching against me with my son, "Taehyung's mom said while pulling her husband's ear 

"ouch sorry queen forgive the poor," his father beg what made his mom glare more, and seeing this Taehyung broke into giggles

"Taehyungie baby forgive your mom is sorry" she pouts and Tae instantly hugged her and his father also joins the hug

"it's ok mommy "

"Oh, Taehyungii baby hope ur free today evening right...?"

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