chapter 25

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Time, as people say, truly flies. While happy times seem to vanish in a blink, even periods of sadness feel fleeting when you're lost in their depths. That's exactly how it felt for Taehyung and Jungkook. Two months had passed since Jungkook's departure, filled with hectic schedules and the constant struggle against the cruel grasp of time zones.

A restlessness woke Taehyung in the dead of night. It was probably past midnight, and of course, Jungkook would be sound asleep on the other side of the world. Unable to settle his nerves, Taehyung paced around his room, finding no comfort in the familiar surroundings. He had to go somewhere, anywhere that might soothe his troubled heart.

With a sudden resolve, Taehyung found himself running towards the familiar Jeon mansion. Maybe seeing Mrs. Jeon, Jungkook's beloved mother, and the woman who had become his own confidante, could give him some comfort.

"Mom?" Taehyung called out softly, his voice laced with worry.

The sound stirred Mrs. Jeon from her slumber. "Taehyungie?" she responded, her voice laced with concern as she switched on the porch light. "What are you doing here at this ungodly hour?"

Instead of answering, Taehyung simply wrapped his arms around her in a tight embrace. Sensing his distress, Mrs. Jeon held him close, whispering words of comfort. Her maternal touch had a calming effect, and soon, a single tear rolled down Taehyung's cheek.

"Missing your Kookie, aren't you?" she asked gently.

Taehyung could only manage a silent nod, the lump in his throat making speech near impossible.

"Oh, honey," Mrs. Jeon sighed sympathetically. "I haven't heard from him either. In fact, I've been feeling strangely restless myself since this morning. But your father dismissed it as my usual overthinking."

Taehyung wasn't surprised. Mrs. Jeon and Jungkook shared an unbreakable bond, and her intuition about him often proved right. Now, with both of them feeling uneasy, the worry gnawed on him even more.

"But now that you feel it too," Mrs. Jeon continued, her voice trembling slightly, "it makes me even more worried. We can't call them at this hour, they'll surely be sleeping."

Taehyung, desperate to do something, anything, to pass the agonizing time until they could reach Jungkook, suggested, "How about we... do something to take our minds off it?"

Mrs. Jeon, seeing the desperate hope in his eyes, readily agreed. So, the unlikely duo, a worried son-in-law and his equally concerned mother-in-law, spent the night tending to the garden, their shared anxieties temporarily forgotten as they exchanged stories and lighthearted jokes.

As dawn approached, they headed out for groceries, filling the silence with a comfortable camaraderie. Back home, Mrs. Jeon, insisted on cooking and even taught Taehyung a few of Jungkook's favorite dishes.

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