chapter 30 (M)

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After a long sign, Jungkook enters the code of his apartment thinking another day in this lonely apartment far away from his loved ones. Recently Jin and Namjoon went back to Korea so it's only him now. These days he fell so low but he pretends to be strong.

But the only thing that keeps him going through the day to going home and video calling his love, Taehyung's cute face and adorable ramble gives him a good boost.

Entering the house he was alerted because sounds were coming from the house as he entered even further he was shocked.

Stepping further in, his breath hitched. The room was transformed. Fairy lights twinkled overhead, casting a warm glow on plush blankets and pillows strategically placed on the sofa. A low coffee table held a steaming pot on the stove with some fresh vegies placed there, a total arrangement of hotpot – his favorites.

"Did Jin hyung come back or...?" he mumbled,reaching for his phone to confirm.

Before his finger could even touch the screen, a soft voice sent a jolt through him.

"Welcome home, Kookie," it purred, sending shivers down his spine.

 His eyes widening in disbelief. There, bathed in the warm glow of the fairy lights, stood Taehyung. Wrapped in what looked like the world's cosiest sweater, his hair a mess of adorable chaos, and a mischievous grin splitting his face.

"T-Taehyung?" Jungkook stammered, his voice thick with shock and a blossoming joy that threatened to overflow. "But... how... what... are you here?"

Taehyung just winked, the playful glint in his eyes mirroring the fairy lights. "Surprise!" he exclaimed, his voice brimming with excitement.

'' Let's just say there's a spy fairy of mine who let me know that my man needs some of my fairy boom i fly across for him.'' as he says he eyes was watering miroring Jungkook's.

  In a heartbeat, Jungkook crossed the distance, engulfing Taehyung in a bone-crushing hug. The familiar warmth of his love in his arms chased away all the loneliness and exhaustion that had accumulated within him.

"This is..." he whispered, his voice thick with emotion. "This is the best surprise ever."

Taehyung chuckled, nuzzling closer. "Well, get ready for a lot more surprises, Kookie. Because I'm not just here for a visit. I'm here to stay... for a few days at least."

''Good because i wasn't even planing to let you go any soon.'' he look up both of their eyes were shining with the fairy light reflection on the glossy eyes.

they lean slowly and the next moment was pure bliss....their lips were on eachother pouring the longing they went through.


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