chapter 28

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A Life With You

A Life With You

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Taehyung was walking back and forth sometimes stomping like a kid and not to mention the third packet of chocolate that was on the edge of ending.

for those who are confused well the couple's so-called vacation is ending in 2days and they were the happiest for the last few days but now the problem is Taehyung has to go out of town for the practical lap experiment seminar that too for 2weeks. so, he is nervous about how to ask Jungkook or his parents for permission

No, he knows Jungkook isn't possessive he is just protective over Taehyung and stays worried for his baby all the time. He took a long breath before sitting on a chair and opening his laptop to call his fiance

but before he could his love called him bringing a huge smile on his face already forgetting about half of the nervousness

'' helloo sweetheart ...'' and Taehyung lost count of the nicknames he got from his love

'' hello kookieeeee '' Jungkook smiled brightly at the cute reaction

'' why so happy cute kitty?''

'' was about to call you and you called ...hehe'' Taehyung admitted sheepishly.

Jungkook's smile widened. "Yes, I know, love. That's why I called... hehe." He paused for a moment, his gaze softening. "But wait, is everything alright?"

Jungkook's smile widened. "Yes, I know, love. That's why I called... hehe." He paused for a moment, his gaze softening. "But wait, is everything alright?"

Taehyung's smile faltered slightly. Jungkook was always so perceptive, catching on to even the slightest change in his mood.

'' yes, kookie why?'' he replied, trying to sound casual.

"I don't think so, love," Jungkook countered, his voice gentle. "You've got some chocolate smeared on your lips, a little bit under your chin too... means you were nervous and munching on chocolates. So, it's simple - something's bothering you. What is it?"

Taehyung felt a jolt of surprise. Jungkook had noticed the telltale signs of his anxiety, something even he hadn't realized was so obvious. He stared at Jungkook, feeling like a kid caught red-handed with a stolen cookie.

"Umm," he stammered, biting his lip, "you remember I told you about the on-lab experiment thing...?"

''Yeah, what about it? are you perhaps nervous about how you will do it and staff's...?'' Jungkook was concern

Taehyung shook his head. "No, not that... I'm nervous, but it's actually the seminar... it'll be held outside the city, outside Seoul, and we have to stay there for two weeks."





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