chapter 6

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Everything seems to stop the moment become slow motion......

Seeing Taehyung on the floor Jungkook couldn't think of anything other than running to him

'''T-tae .... Taehyung...hey here up.....everyone getaway please let some air come... get away''

''Hey Tae...get up''

Jungkook wasn't thinking anything he just want Taehyung to get up...

Soon all his friends come also the school doctor who checked his pulse it was slow she sprinkles some water on him but still, It didn't work.

"Doctor why isn't he getting up?''

The doctor gets it it's not normal seeing Taehyung's fingers and face almost pale little blueish.

"I guess it's not a simple thing... you should take him to the hospital..."

Jungkook didn't waste any time he took Taehyung in his arms and went away from there followed by his friends.

"Y'all manage all this also call Taehyung's parents I'm going with kook..." Namjoon said

"I'm also coming.." Jin said Namjoon nodded

Soon they reach the hospital as Jungkook enters with Taehyung in his arms a doctor was on the reception recognized him.

"Oh my isn't it Taehyung what happened to him..?"

"You know him..?" Jungkook asked confused

"Of course, I know him he is my regular patient..."

Jungkook was relieved but the word regular pinched his Heart what happened to Taehyung?

They took Taehyung inside rest of them wait outside

"Hyung is he ok....what happened suddenly..?" Jungkook asked suddenly he was feeling lost seems like everyone knows everything except him.

Before Jin could say anything The Kims arrived also the Jeons.

"Where's is Tae.... is my baby alright is he ok ..?" Mrs.Kim cried

That's the moment the doctor came out of the room

"Oh, Mr&Mrs.Kim glad you're here....." The doctor said

"Doctor how's my son..?" Mr.Kim asked

"As I fear ......he isn't listening to us right his symptoms are coming back and it is just the start..." Hearing that everyone tensed well except Jin, Joon, and Kook because they still did not know anything.

Seeing Jungkook lostself his mother hold his hand and said

"my son I've something to tell you.... don't stress about Taehyung he will be fine you just need to know everything follow me..." Mrs Jeon said and excuses herself everyone node knowing what is she up to.

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