chapter 24

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After Jungkook was gone it was hard for Taehyung to go back home so he spent some alone time with himself patiently waiting for Jungkook's call but it was after 14 hours

It was midnight when he received a message

jungkookie 🐰

Love I just land I don't want to disturb
u as it's midnight in Seoul
Don't worry about me okii
Nd don't forget to go jogging
will call later nd will shoot a text when
I reach home Bye
Love u 💜


Okiii.... don't forget to have food
And give jinni nd joon hyung the gift's
Love you more 💕

Taehyung's heart did a little happy dance as he saw Jungkook's message pop up on his screen. A wide grin stretched across his face before he hit the call button. Their conversation flowed easily, filled with laughter. however , Taehyung got some playful yet serious scolding from Jungkook for staying up late. He also mentioned that Namjoon will be receiving him from the airport and he will call later, with that they end the call.

It's been 3 days since Jungkook is gone thing's between them is going fine too but the main problem they're having is a slight awkwardness and hesitation. Like they feel like calling the other but again will be thinking what if he is calling too much? what if others will get irritated?

They don't want to seem annoying or over possessive to others so no matter how much their hands r itching they don't call each other every now and then on the other side one of them keep waiting and getting sad receiving no calls.

Jungkook slumped on his bed, staring at the unfamiliar calling. 

"Come in..."Jungkook said when he heard some knocking and it was Namjoon who hands him a cup of coffee

"Here....don't sulk so much try to find a way..."Namjoon said sitting next to him who looks at him confusedly


Namjoon sat down on the edge of the bed, his gaze kind. "Is it the whole long-distance thing getting to you?"

Jungkook sighed, the sound heavy with unspoken emotions. "Yeah," he mumbled, swirling the coffee in his cup without taking a sip.

Namjoon chuckled, taking a sip of his coffee. "Patience, young grasshopper. International calls don't always cooperate with impatient hearts."

Jungkook flopped back dramatically. "Easy for you to say, Mr. I-have-Jin-by-my-side-all-the-time."

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