Chapter 29 (M)

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'' Jimmie don't ya think it's too much? '' Taehyung looks at himself in the mirror

'' it's not and moreover, it's your day you have to look the best also your fiance is here too...'' Taehyung blushed at mention his fiance 

''now you blushing hmm? ok enough of this go and make your fiance crazy....also if he gets too crazy just go on 5th-floor room 3B...'' Jimin winked at the boy who blushed more 

Jungkook was walking through the corridor but stopped his way seeing  Jimin who wink at him before pointing at his behind and leaving the place 

Jungkook frowned at the action but soon understand when he saw the love of his life standing as a devil or angel he can't pinpoint it 

Taehyung who was a little nervous looked up because of the sudden silence but only to get his breath hitched by the breathtaking sight of his love 

''Woah....'' JUngkook said whit his big lovesick eyes clutching his chest  pretending as if he is about to get a heart attack making Taehyung blush more than he already was 

Taehyung look down but suddenly look up and did the same gesture but more dramatically making Jungkook smile and blush  

both maintain eye contact while walking towards each other but unfortunately before they approach Mrs.Jeon and Kim came in between saying Cake cutting ceremony is about to start and dragged Taehyung from there leaving a sulky bunny standing as if he is invisible

Taehyung look behind as he was being dragged seeing that Jungkook smile his infamous bunny smile 

both of them don't know why they were suddenly was feeling so shy around each other like everything was fine till the afternoon but it was giving them butterfly whenever their eyes meet 

everyone gathered around the cake but Taehyung eyes were only searching for Jungkook who was standing leaning against the door frame eyes stuck on Taehyung with intense eyes 

he smiles when Taehyung points him calling him to stand beside him so he did as the baby asked 

Taehyung cut the cake and bring the piece to feed Jungkook who took a bite gladly but noticing  everyone was singing the b'day song out loud he sneakily pecked Taehyung's finger making the boy frustrated 

Taehyung compose himself before feeding everyone the cake 

'' yaa! what is all this ?'' Jimin scold Taehyung who came to feed the boy

''What?'' Taehyung was confused

'' what?..... you idiot I worked so hard to make you look this badass and here you instead of taking the advantage of it walking around being mussy pussy and letting that brat tease you openly ?'' Jimin was extremely pissed 

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