Chapter 5

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It was afternoon time the atmosphere was a little bit sunny but was surrounded by chilly air     

After hanging out with Jungkook's friends they both made their way to the exit gate.

Taehyung's class just finished so Jungkook being the gentleman whipped boy come to see off Taehyung to the exit gate.

They were walking in silence but a comfortable one they liked.
A lot happened today just thinking how they were yesterday and how today it feels like a dream but knowing its reality gives them goosebumps makes them feel giddy.

The more they were walking the gate is coming more close making them feel sad  they don't want that.

As they were walking thier hands would brush occasionally but they were too flustered to hold hands so they just let it be.

"Thanks for today..I really enjoyed it..." Taehyung said finally breaking the silence as they reached in front of the gate.

"Welcome but actually I did that for me..."Jungkook said innocently

"because I wanted to I like to do it for you." he completed with a teasing smile he live to see the face  that Taehyung make when he tease him and Taehyung he just cutely glared at him.

"Well here we are .... your car is here " Jungkook point at the car which was waiting for Taehyung to come And for the first time Taehyung didn't feel happy seeing his car.

"Yeah I've to go" Taehyung whispered

"Hmm..yeah you've to go" Jungkook replied

As Taehyung start walking towards the car a voice stop him


Taehyung turn to see Jungkook jog towards him

'i umm..... can I have your number..?" Jungkook asked with bit hesitation

"Ofcoure .." Taehyung flash a beautiful smile finding Jungkook cute and then they exchanged numbers

"And Tae.."

"Hmm.." Jungkook asked confused

"Call me Tae today in the canteen you called me that I liked it so call me Tae from now on.." Taehyung said giving a shy smile to Jungkook who gets multiple heartattacks by now

"Tae" as the word roll out of his lips both of them felt something funny inside thier tummy

" Ok..then bye"

"Bye..see you tomorrow "

And then they bid off eachother finally


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