chapter 4

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During class, Taehyung couldn't focus on what his teacher is saying or what is going on here because his mind and heart were somewhere else ......lost in someone in someone's thoughts to be more specific.

But the bell sound snapped him away from his dream world as the class ended he smiles like a fool taking his bag he comes out of his class, but soon he frowned when he saw a little crowd in front of it.

He was about to ignore and go but suddenly someone hold his hand that made him a bit nervous but when he saw the person he was confused.


"Hush! just come with me hmm.." Jungkook said with a smile what made Taehyung agree and he node.

They both successfully leave the place they're standing by the locker room where Taehyung has to keep his books.

"So what was that..?" Taehyung asked

"Ohh don't find me stupid but as you said that you don't like people's attention on you with questioning eyes so I thought if I stand in front of the classroom to pick u then you might have to face that" Jungkook said scratching his neck bit embarrassed actually about what Taehyung must be thinking.

Taehyung couldn't help but giggle actually laugh a bit loud .....

"See you're laughing at me oh god I'm so stupid" Jungkook whined like a kid well yeah if anyone sees him like they won't be able to believe it.

"Noo hey no it's not like that...i-i just find it cute and thank you for actually understanding my side and respecting it too, " Taehyung said sincerely which earn him a big bunny smile.

"But I'm not cute it's you a cute fluffball, " Jungkook started like a serious matter but get dreamy while saying that made Taehyung cheeks heat up and pink dust spread there.

But Jungkook notice it but somehow managed to not scream at how adorable Tae was looking and clear his voice because he don't want to overwhelm Taehyung in a day with his whipped ass.

"Hmm, so it's lunch break let's go to the canteen and will introduce you to my friends," Jungkook excitedly said.

Hearing that Taehyung get bit tensed and start biting his lips but his breath get hitched
When he feels Jungkook's finger on his lips

"Don't it will leave burish .." Jungkook said with a low voice that did something to Taehyung he felt shivers.

He slowly looks up and both of them feel like they can't breathe they were lost in each other eyes actually in eachother but their moment couldn't live much as loud voices coming through maybe students are coming this way that made them step away and look another way kinda awkward or shy?

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