chapter 32

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A Life With You

Jungkook signs looking at the mirror, it's not like he never wore any suit but the purpose was different, and from now on it's his regular look. It's not about the look tbh it's life, everything gonna be different from now, his dream but through time many things changed, so he is worried even though the talk with Tae helped him so much but he can't help feel things. And talking about Tae well he has been missing since morning and has been busy for the last few days and kinda secretive making Jungkook think what's the matter?

His inner monologue stops when Jin clears his voice '' need help bunny bun?''

''shuuu up only tae can call me that..;;

''watch out how you talk young man, he is your boss now..'' Mr. Jeon comes with a smirk

''ahh not you too dad...leave me alone you both annoying '' Jungkook hump

''Excuse me what's that don't forget he is the boss of your boss'' Jin chooses to support his dad aka his boss and bully the newbie.

''excuse me, I guess you all are forgetting who is the real boss? That is stop bullying my son or else..'' Mrs. Jeon laughed and Jungkook did a child abuse face to get more sympathy from his mother.

''Dad this woman is scary how come you spent all these years with her'' Jin whispered

Mr. Jeon did a finally you understand my pain emotional face '' Tell me bout it, son''

''What was that..?'' Mrs. jeon asked raising her eyebrows.

''omg, dad! I didn't expect that how can you say that to my mom '' Woah the flip

''wow, what a betrayal '' Mr. Jeon threw I'll see in the office look

''mom see this man is scaring me..''

''yoo Jeon take my sons with love and return that way too...I don't care about your company don't trouble my precious''

''Now stand together I've to take a picture.''

Ahh, what a pretty family truly.






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'', hyung the cabin is so beautiful! thank you so much'' Jungkook exclaimed as soon as he enters the gorgeous cabin, after touring the whole office.

''well as much we would like to take the credit, we can't..'' Mr.Jeon chuckle

'''What do you mean?'' Jungkook frowned

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