chapter 18

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Days and months seem like so much time but once we r living them when they flew nobody can explain them.

As it's happening now happy time always goes faster

It's time for Jin to go so they planned on surprising the boy by visiting his favorite amusement park.

Everyone got ready than Jungkook drives to Taehyung's house to pick him up. Reaching there he fix his hair in the mirror only to earn some teasing comments from his friends and hyung.......ignoring them run out of the car seeing his baby running to him he catch the fluffy boy who was looking like cotton candy in his fluffy jumper.

"Good morning baby...."

"Good morning kookie...."

Taehyung was looking extremely adorable today Jungkook couldn't resist but to kiss him shortly it would last long if their friends didn't tease them...!

They broke the kiss Taehyung felt embarrassed so he hid his face in Jungkook's chest ...Who was glaring at his friends but also busy cooing at the baby bear in his arms tightening his hold around that piety waist.

He swears this boy is too dangerous for his heart no matter anyhow he is I mean yesterday he was looking like a walking sin and today a cute innocent little been.

"Hello guys I'm your r my hope I'm j-hope..." A sun-like man come out of Taehyung's house and everyone there felt like they needed some sunglass.

"Oh Jungkook, hyungs he is hobi hyung, my cousin....."Taehyung introduce the sunny boy who was weaving at them smiling brightly winning everyone's heart in a sec

Everyone greet the sunny boy both side was so welcoming that it didn't feel like they just met.

"Hello, hyung....nice to meet you.." Jungkook greets

"Nice to meet you too...hey man ur actually really hot.." hobi commented making everyone look at him

"Hey, why are y'all looking at me like that? I'm just complimenting him and Taehyung you were actually right your man is a hotshot tho..."hobi said making everyone laugh and Taehyung choked on nothing!

''Interasting..'' Jungkook smirked

"Ok enough talking I think we should get going or else we will be late.."Jin suggested while everyone agreed.

Jungkook opened the passenger door for Taehyung who gets in shyly coz their friends won't stop teasing them.

Jungkook opened the passenger door for Taehyung who gets in shyly coz their friends won't stop teasing them

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