chapter 10

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Taehyung was always a good student always focus on the teacher attentive and gets good marks despite his condition. But today don't seem like concentrating why is that if you ask?

Well, it's because a certain boy his boyfriend to be more accurate!

He can't seem to stop thinking about him the ravenette male is everything he can ever ask for he didn't even dare to dream slight but get all in Jungkook.

He snap out of his daydreams when the bell rang suddenly he can feel his heartbeat fasten thinking he can finally meet Jungkook. Without any delay, he packed his beg making his way out of the class but frowned upon seeing crowd in front of the door.

He smiles thinking it might be Jimin again but to his shock, it was Jungkook scrolling through his phone leaning against the wall minding his business but suddenly snapped his eyes towards Taehyung's way as if he knew he is there.

Seeing Taehyung, Jungkook made his way towards him standing in front of him

"You here...."Taehyung ask still surprised to see him

"Yeah, I'm here to pick my lovely boyfriend..." Jungkook extends his hand to Taehyung who holds it instantly smiling feeling his heart beating crazly.

While everyone in the hallway was watching some fangirling some eyes filled with jealousy but who cares?

" Wasn't you the one who said you don't want to create any problem that's why didn't go directly to pick me up before...?" Taehyung ask a bit teasingly while they were walking to the locker room

"Well that was before I don't want people to put their nose and says stupid thing bout you.....but now I don't care because I'm boyfriend and moreover I've to be there what if in my absence someone tries to hit on you," Jungkook said that made both of them crack up at the last remark

"But did you have any kind of problem by the way u can tell honestly..." 

Taehyung stop his work as he was keeping books in his bag from the locker. He smiles softly taking Jungkook's hands in his

"I'm more than happy u pick me from there that you are happy showing me as yours and trust me I'm more than willing to show you as mine too..." the honestly did something inside Jungkook's tummy who actually felt happy and flustered.

After college Jungkook drops Taehyung off at his home of course not before kissing his forehead and Taehyung kissing his cheeks. It's a new habit they get and both of them love it. And at night both talks hrs on the phone.

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