chapter 7

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A Life With You

A Life With You

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After a few days Taehyung was finally discharged from the hospital and these days Jungkook didn't leave his side even for a minute.

Taehyung reached home along with his parents with Jungkook driving them. As the car stop front of the house, Taehyung get down and almost run inside seeing that Jungkook signs while Mr&Mrs.Kim was confused.

"Well, uncle Aunty don't worry about him...but can I go to his room to talk to him?" Jungkook politely asked for permission what get a small node.

Without any delay he ran after Taehyung he just doesn't know but Taehyung is behaving really strangely these few days the first day was normal but from the next day he kinda maybe ignored Jungkook he can feel it.

 Jungkook thought he might be stressed because of his health but suddenly how he ran made Jungkook worried.

finally, Jungkook was in front of Taehyung's room he softly knock on the door but nobody opens the door

"Tae ...ate you alright ?" but got no response

"Tae I'm getting worried now can you open the door please..."

"I'm ok Jungkook please go now..." Taehyung tried his best not to break down or crack his voice
But anyways Jungkook knows nothing is really alright firstly it's weird of Taehyung to behave like this and secondly he called him Jungkook which he didn't do since he stars calling him kookie.

"Tae I know something is not ok... I'm getting worried now please tell me what's wrong..."Jungkook was worried as hell scary thoughts were coming into his head still he shook them away trying to stay positive.

"Jungkook please go... I'm fine just don't worry about me you have a life of your own think about yourself..."Taehyung said almost frustratingly

"What did you say my life Taehyung what are you saying? where did my life come from ...?" He can't understand properly now that got him more worried.

"See where did your life come from .... Jungkook you have a life I can't be your center of life for the past few days I've seen how you are just always there for me never leaving my side which I'm scared of more than being grateful.." Taehyung was breaking down but his words had Jungkook shocked.

"Tae... Taehyung why are you saying this? where did these thoughts come to your mind? please don't think like that ...and what's wrong with that you were sick I took care of you... if you were at my place wouldn't you do the same..?" Jungkook asked desperately

"Jungkook you don't understand I'm not normal as u asked yeah I would have taken care of you but it's different, you would be sick for like a few days or something where about me I-i am sick for my whole life and p-probably will be for rest of my life.

A LIFE WITH YOU | TaekookWhere stories live. Discover now