Chapter 23

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Taehyung squirm while trying to cover his eyes from sunlight. His eyes fluttered open when he felt a tickling sensation on his neck. He shifted a little and met a bare view of a broad back – Jungkook.

Jungkook was peacefully sleeping sprawled over Taehyung's chest, an arm wrapped securely around him, his face tucked into the crook of Taehyung's neck. Taehyung couldn't help but coo at the sight. The usually manly Jungkook looked undeniably adorable, like a small, sleeping baby with lips pursed in a pout.

Taehyung's hand reached out, softly tracing Jungkook's face – his cheeks, his nose. His fingers hovered over Jungkook's lips, sending a jolt of electricity through him. Suddenly, a vivid memory of last night flashed through his eyes, making his cheeks flush pink and a giddy feeling erupt in his stomach.

He started gently stroking Jungkook's hair, watching him scrunched his nose in response to the sunlight. But a contented sigh escaped Jungkook's lips as Taehyung began massaging his scalp. Lost in the moment, Taehyung kept gazing at the sleeping boy, oblivious to a single tear tracing its way down his cheek as a pang of realization hit him – this might be the first and last time he'd see Jungkook so vulnerable, so carefree.

On the other side , the gentle touches finally stirred Jungkook awake. He blinked open his eyes, adjusting to the light. The first sight that greeted him was both breathtaking and heartbreaking. Taehyung looked so adorable with his messy bed hair, slightly puffy cheeks, and glistening eyes.

Jungkook shifted and faced Taehyung properly. He cupped his face and placed a soft kiss on his forehead, then followed it with kisses on his eyes and nose. Finally, their gazes locked. Taehyung's eyes fluttered open as Jungkook leaned in, but instead of his lips, Jungkook kissed his cheek.

A playful glint entered Taehyung's eyes. He leaned forward, their lips meeting in a sweet, slow kiss. It was as if they were savoring the moment, holding onto it for as long as possible. The kiss deepened as Taehyung took charge, his movements sending shivers down Jungkook's spine.

They pulled away, breathless. "Good morning," Jungkook murmured, his voice husky with sleep. The sound sent shivers down Taehyung's spine. It was a side of Jungkook he rarely heard - so deep and intimate.

"I love you," Taehyung confessed, his voice barely a whisper. This time Jungkook experience the giddiness. He leaned in and captured Taehyung's lips in another kiss, lingering for a minute before pulling away.

"I love you too," he replied, nuzzling Taehyung's neck before planting a small peck on his lips.

Their lovey-dovey moment took a playful turn as Taehyung hugged Jungkook tightly. But Jungkook let out a low groan, their lower regions brushing against each other.

"Baby, stop moving unless you want another round," Jungkook teased, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "I wouldn't mind, just so you know."

Taehyung swatted his chest playfully. "S-shut up, you pervert!"

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