Chapter 9

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The morning comes- finally ending the couple's misery.......Taehyung open his eyes which he barely closed with a notification sound

Jungkookie 🐰
Good morning sleeping beauty
Get up and get ready ...
See u in 15mins

Seeing the message makes Taehyung flipping in his bed smiling stupidly while bushing. Anyway, he did get up and got ready fastly but also nicely ofcoure for his boyfriend.

After getting ready Taehyung made his way to the hall but he frowned when he heard a voice he knows who is the owner but he surely didn't expect him to be here exactly in 15mins.

Yes, Jungkook was chatting with Mr.Kim both of them having fun while Mrs.Kim was laughing with them too.

"Good morning.." hearing Taehyung all of them looked at him while Jungkook was having a hard time again well the boy was looking so cute that Jungkook wanna cuddle him badly.

"Good morning to..u too " Mrs.Kim got up hugging the boy

"Taetae see Jungkookie is here to pick you up for college...." Mrs.Kim said while Taehyung was a bit surprised he didn't really think about going to college with Jungkook but now he was feeling all giddy.

"Good morning..." Now it was Jungkook who greet him with a bunny smile what Taehyung replied with a boxy smile. They were being kinda shy Mr&mrs Kim chuckle seeing it

"Well aunt I should be getting up now .... otherwise we'll be late for college.." Jungkook said

" But what about breakfast and taetae just woke up his med-

"Well, aunt umm..... I am taking Tae out we will have our breakfast there too but don't worry I'll take care of him trust me...." Jungkook said sincerely

And Mr.Kim smiled happily noticing how Jungkook cut Mrs.Kim before she mentions medicines and he also signals Mrs.Kim not to say anything

" Oh, date I see...." Mr.Kim teases what made the duo shy and Taehyung was dying with shyness well it's all new for him but he is loving it.

"Umm aha yes a date..." Jungkook said smiling lill shyly

"Ok  it's a yes then go ahead enjoy your date and leave us alone too right honey how about one date for us too..." Mr.Kim said what made everyone laugh and Mr.Kim smack his husband with embarrassment.

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