chapter 17

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"Yes bitchess that's my bestie....go tiger..." Hyungsik shouted making some look at him weirdly but he care less was too busy to cheer for his bestie! 

"That's my soulmate right there y'all suck go taetae..." Jimin shouted even more loudly

"Ahh look at u trying to claim my bestie as soulmate he is my bestie..." Hyungsik said slightly getting jealous.

"Ohh hooo first he is my soulmate second where have u been these months now tryna snatch my soulmate from me....." Jimin said glaring

Both were having glaring contest where someone poke his tongue against his cheeks very jealous Nd annoyed by the males fighting over his baby his boyfriend

"Shut up y'all.... that's my BOYFRIEND let's go baby show them....."

Jungkook shouted louder than anyone making ppl actually shocked coz no one has seen Jungkook this way before ! and on the other side Taehyung suddenly blushed at Jungkook's comments marking the crowd goes awwwww~

Soon another song played making Jimin run to the stage and both soulmates dance crazily

Everyone claps and cheered when the game finished and yes Taehyung won! Jungkook instantly ran to the stage hugging his boyfriend saying how amazing he was.

Taehyung was blushing but then he noticed how Jimin quietly went away from there Ng Yoongi was busy with his drink

"Yoongi hyung....."

Yoongi stopped his way and turned to see Taehyung coming towards him

"Yes, Taehyung you need something...."

"Yes...can I've little time of urs....."

Yoongi looked at him confusedly but nods anyway

"Hyung I know it's your life I've no right to say anything but can I still say something as I've been noticing for a while now and I can't stop myself anymore......"

"Taehyung I didn't understand what you want to say...."

"It's about jimin hyung.... hyung I know he knows actually everyone knows how much you love him but sometimes in life I know he loves me just becomes a normal phase then a fact
Sometimes we want to see he loves us.... sometimes we have to say I love you other than, You know I love u!

Sometimes we have to show the person that we love him we can't just expect him to always understand that we love him Nd these small things lead to insecurities and self-doubt.

And just like now he danced so amazingly that everyone cheers for him but he looked at your director for a reaction or expecting you to praise him or only you look at him he wanted to see the love-filled look in ur eyes but what he saw was you drinking looking at another way ........"

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