chapter 3

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As Jungkook enters the rooftop you can say his eyes were blessed...

Taehyung was standing by the railing in darkness but the moonlight was on his face making it shine the black hair male was glowing

So now Jungkook is confused is it light here because of the moonlight or simply Taehyung is glowing

Coz gezzz

Jungkook come out of his fantasy when he remember the earlier event so he took a deep breath and clear his throat

"Am I that bad that you had to leave the place could have said no ......"

Hearing that Taehyung turned he was surprised not at all expecting the ravenette male there 

"Sorry I followed you ..maybe you need some privacy..but I just couldn't stay there seeing you leave the place after hearing that news so..." Jungkook started walking towards where Taehyung was standing and standing beside him

"Hope you didn't mind.." he asked looking at Taehyung

"No...I mean it's ok..but you didn't have to" Taehyung replied  looking at everywhere but Jungkook

and the ravenette hair male find it fluffing cute UwU

"Well I don't know if I had to or not but one thing I know is I wanted to," Jungkook smiled looking at Taehyung who was still not looking at him but hearing his words he looked at Jungkook

"The weather is nice today.." Jungkook said trying to break the awkwardness

"Yeah... it's chilly" Taehyung replied knowing what the ravenette male was trying to do

" Yeah...and I love chilly weather so much" Jungkook said

"I think there should be another weather for chilliness ..what say..?" Jungkook asked determined

"Yeah, definitely I think we should appeal it to NASA..." Taehyung was more determined




"Hahaha...." and they break into laughter knowing how stupid of a conversation they're doing with so much confidence.

Then their eyes make contact they felt like the world stopped because it was mesmerizing
but soon enough they break the eye contact and cleared their throat.



"Umm..... Taehyung I'm not gonna lie I know you are as shocked as me by the bomb our parents throw at us ....but I really wanna talk about it... only if you're comfortable ofcoure..." Jungkook said honesty and sincerity was pouring from his voice also the way he was looking at Taehyung while saying that
the male is sure he forgot how to breathe

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