chapter 11

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"ah, I'm tired now let's take a break...." Taehyung  breathlessly said as they have been running for a long now

" have some water but you are alright right...?" Taehyung smiles at him

"I'm fine Kookie.... don't take much stress..." Taehyung smiled but Jungkook didn't say much just nodded

It didn't go unnoticed by Taehyung who reach for Jungkook's hand holding which made the ravenette look at him

"you're ok Jungkook..?Don't dare to lie I know something is wrong something is bothering you ...." Jungkook sign

"Come with me ....." Jungkook extend his hand to Taehyung who hold it and followed behind. Soon they reach somewhere through a forest nearby the park they were jogging. Taehyung was speechless seeing the view in front of him it was breathtaking!

They both sit on a rock there facings the beautiful view for a few moments there was silence until Jungkook starts

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They both sit on a rock there facings the beautiful view for a few moments there was silence until Jungkook starts....

"The first time I saw your condition it was surprising but yesterday I get scared because now I know about your condition. And what hurt more was your words no Taehyung I can't get used to it! seeing you at worst I can't. I've promised to be with you and walk with you but now I wanna be part of your journey not just walking by your side.

"What do you think I don't fight ...?I fight Jungkook....but it's not easy to do so i-

"I know but what you did yesterday wasn't fight it was Rebel!

I know yesterday you were sick from the morning but u choose to ignore it and didn't even take your medicines; even in the evening you weren't feeling good but come to the restaurant.

I know what you might have felt. I can't feel your pain maybe but at least I can try Taehyung. And you know at first you used to cry then u stopped it and start tolerating it you tried to fight but now what your doing is rebelling which won't bring you anything other than pain.

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