chapter 33

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Jungkook groans at the whispering sound he moves and hugs his closer to sleep more

'' look at these kids so adorable..''  Jungkook's eyes wide open when he processes what is actually happening

'' A-appa emonie...'' the ravenette male literally jumped on his feet, seeing his in-laws standing by the door

''ahh, Jungkookie son, calm down; we're just checking Taehyungie, ok? now that you woke up go and fresh up.'' Mrs.Kim smiled

''ahh, it's ok emonie!'' Jungkook politely replied honestly he was feeling nervous in Mr. Kim's presence

''Jungkook can we talk for a bit'' Mr.Kim sounded calm made the boy more nervous

''s-sure ...'' With that, he followed him to the study as he was asked to.

after taking a long breath, he washed his face and went to meet Mr.Kim at his study ''may I come in ?'' he enters after Mr.Kim noded

Mr. Kim gestured for Jungkook to sit. The air was thicken with a tension that made Jungkook fidget in his chair. He stole a glance at the picture frame on the desk, a photo of a younger Mr. and Mrs. Kim beaming with Taehyung nestled between them as a child. It fill warmth in his chest, he always wanna see this peaceful smile on Taehyung's face.

"Jungkook-ah," Mr. Kim began, his voice surprisingly gentle. "I wanted to take a moment and express my gratitude."

Jungkook's eyebrows shot up in surprise. "Gratitude, sir?"

''Forming a bond between you and Tae was been mine and your dad's dreams , but anong the way i sometimes felt are we doing right just throwing our desiers on you. And,You see, Taehyung... he's always been a bit... solitary. We worried about him finding someone who could truly understand him, someone who could share his passions, someone who will see beyond his medical issues ,beyond his past''Mr. Kim leaned back in his chair

 "He may seem that way, Mr. Kim, but deep down, Taehyung craves connection just as much as anyone." a soft chuckle escape from Jungkook.

"And you, Jungkook-ah," Mr. Kim continued, his gaze steady, "you've brought that out in him. You've opened him up in a way we never thought possible. You see the light in him, even when it's dimmed."

Mr. Kim nodded, a hint of pride in his eyes. "That's the beauty of a true partnership, wouldn't you agree? You complement each other, push each other to grow." He paused, then added, "And seeing you both so happy together... well, that brings me more joy than you know."

A weight lifted from Jungkook's shoulders. He hadn't expected such genuine approval from Mr. Kim. "Thank you, sir," he said sincerely. "It means a lot to me."

A satisfied smile settled on Mr. Kim's face. "Now," he said, a playful glint in his eyes, "perhaps you should get back to Taehyung before he worries. But remember, Jungkook-ah, you're not just Taehyung's partner, you're part of the family now."

Jungkook stood, a newfound confidence radiating from him. "Thank you, sir. That means the world to me." He paused, then continued, a determined glint in his eyes. "And Mr. Kim, you don't need to worry about Taehyung. He's more than safe with me. In fact," he confessed, taking a deep breath, "Taehyung is my entire world now. He's the light in my darkness, the fire in my heart. Taking care of him, making him happy, that's my greatest purpose."

A flicker of surprise crossed Mr. Kim's face, quickly replaced by a warmth that mirrored Jungkook's own. He saw, reflected in Jungkook's eyes, the same fierce love and devotion he felt for his own son. A single, proud nod escaped his lips. "I have no doubt of that, Jungkook-ah. Now go, before that sunshine gets worried."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23 ⏰

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