chapter 31

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Taehyung took a long sigh watching the big mansion in front of him finally the fear he had these two past years was no longer there. Today he is not scared that he will not see a certain male once entering the house moreover he is excited to go inside and meet that certain bunny his heart was waiting for.

''if you are being happy just by thinking standing here your fiancé might become more grumpy I fear...'' Taehyung was startled by the sudden voice

'' good morning hyung..'' the blonde launched himself to the broad shoulder man, yes blond again to surprise his man.

'' Good morning cutie blonde...'' Jin hug back chuckling at the cute action

"But don't waste your energy on me you will need them soon....." Taehyung frowned

"Well, your boyfriend—oops, fiancé—is jet-lagged, making him extra moody and grumpy this morning. You'll need all your energy to handle his extra-ness," Jin explained with a laugh, leaving Taehyung speechless.

Realization dawned on him. "Oh..."

"Don't worry," Jin winked. "I know you can handle that big bunny baby of yours."

"Sure, I can..." Taehyung replied, a playful glint returning to his eyes.

"Heading to the office, hyung?"

"Yep. And don't worry," Jin said, winking again. "Mr. and Mrs. Jeon are planning a date night later. Just a guess..."

Taehyung blushed furiously. "Go away! Say hi to Joon hyung!" he mumbled, darting past Jin towards the house.

He skidded to a halt just inside the door, bumping into a familiar figure.

"Omo, be careful, baby! You might get hurt," Mrs. Jeon chided him gently, before melting into a warm smile. Taehyung responded with his signature boxy grin. "Sorry, eomma. Good morning! You look great!"

"Thank you, dear. Actually, I'm heading out with my mister for the day. You go take care of your mister too, and yourself, of course. He was a little grumpy this morning..." Mrs. Jeon said, poking his forehead playfully before leaving.

Taehyung felt a surge of excitement. A grumpy Jungkook just meant more opportunity to shower him with love and surprises. Today promised to be an interesting graduation day, indeed.

Taehyung was feeling giddy happy all jumpy with each step he was taking towards the room. He stood in front of the room door his heartbeat fasten at the thought of when he will open the door Jungkook will be inside unlike other times when the room used to be empty.

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