Chapter 22

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(Picture of dress on side... ---------->)

There might be some mistakes!

Julia's P.O.V.

"Why aren't you telling anything about them?!" I yelled at TV. Its been 2 hours and they still haven't said anything about them. I didn't know if I should expect good or bad news.

It felt like my heart is going to fall apart every second. I needed someone, someone to hug me and tell me everything is going to be okay. But no one was there. I was hurt and lost. Only thing I knew to do was cry. So hard. I felt like loosing my mind. I felt like screaming for a million years.

I heard soft knock on my door and doctor came in. Nurse followed him like she was his dog.

"Whoa. Dear, you have to calm down. What's wrong?" He asked me.

"My boyfriend, he might be dead." On sound of that I started to cry even more. I just felt more and more worse.

"I'm so sorry but you have to calm down. You are just going to get yourself in worse state. Please calm down." He told me in a supportive voice.

"How could I calm down? Are you stupid or something? I can't! You are not helping." I yelled at him.

After I yelled that, I could see him coming closer to nurse. He whispered something in her ear and she nodded. I saw her going out and coming back with injection in her hands. She opened it and said she is ready.

"Okay hun. You are going to feel little pain in your hand." Nurse said and caught me unprepared.

They gave me sleep medicine. I tried so hard to stay awake, but it wasn't worth it. I just couldn't. It took over control over my body. I drifted off to sleep.

~next morning~

I opened my eyes, even thought I was sleepy. I could see someone's body shape by the window. I couldn't tell who it was and I didn't want to know. All of the sudden, I remembered why I am so sleepy.

 "Niall..." I said and raised my body, so I was sitting.

"Its okay love. He's in Ireland, with his parents." I heard boy informing me. He sat down next to me.

"How would you know?" I asked and saw it was Harry. I hugged him and it seemed that he couldn't breathe how tight my grip was.

"Because we traveled in Ireland to his house instead here. I heard that you had breakdown. I'm sorry we didn't call." He apologised like it was his fault.

"Its okay. Why didn't he come here? And can I call him?" I asked and reached for my phone.

"He had to stay there with his parents. And yes, he said that he has surprise for you." Harry said and I dialed Niall's number.

"Hello babe." I heard his voice that was so sweet to hear.

"What's the surprise?" I asked being little bit excited.

"You are going to meet my parents. I bought you ticket to come here and Harry will be your guide. Its formal dinner and I sent you dress. You are bailed out of hospital for 2 days." He said and I could hear more voice's on other side of line.

"I don't know what to say. I'm worried now." I said to him.

"Don't be. I have to go. Greg is calling me. Bye love." He said and line went dead.

I put my phone down and Harry handed me big box that had dress in it. I saw it was simple blue dress, but it was still formal. It was tank top blue dress. It must've cost fortune. 

"Go dress yourself and I'll pick up your stuff around here." Harry said and I took clothes.

I wore black skinny jeans, blue hoodie and shoes. I took my stuff from Harry's hands and we went to car. It was first to get through bunch of fans. There wasn't lot of them but it was still a job. I hold Harry's hand and we started pushing towards car.

"Is this your new girl?" I heard question from one side.

"Are you cheating on Niall?" Another question popped and someone shoved microphone infront my mouth.

"Cheating bi*ch!" Someone yelled and it hurt me. They must've seen me holding Harry's hand and thought wrong.

We pushed to car and Harry opened door for me. As soon as I sat down, tears started falling. I wasn't cheating on him and I was never called such bad word. I would never call anyone like that.

"Don't worry about the things they say. Its just because they are paparazzi. They have to say those things." He said and continued driving.

I tried to ignore that but it was still ringing in my head. I took my phone and played some music. It will relax me. It wasn't long at arriving to airport. We got in and found our seats. Harry had to trade with some guy to sit next to me. As on every long ride, I slept it all. I was so excited to come and see Niall's parents and his house. In the same time I was afraid. Question like 'What if they don't like me?' was always on my mind.

"Niall." I said and kissed him. Harry looked away and we stopped.

"Thanks for bringing her here." Niall said and we went in. Harry went back to his home.

"So where's everyone?" I asked him when he led me in kitchen.

"Mum and dad are working and Greg is with his girlfriend. We're all alone." He said and gave me a smirk before biting his sandwich.

"Let me show you where you'll sleep for this two days." He said and led me upstairs. He opened door and showed me room that wasn't so clean.

"Is this your room?" I asked.

"Yes." He said.

"I am going to sleep in your room?"


"In your bed?"

"Yes. Is that a problem?"

"Nope." I said and laid down on bed. 


I can't tell you how sorry I am for not writing in such long time. One part was huuuuuge writers block and one part was holidays. I hope you like this one chapter and soon this story will be over. Please, comment and vote and share your opinion. Love you all :*

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