Chapter 8

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This chapter is dedicated to Leeyum_HazzaMy_Tommo because there is no special reason. I just checked last person I fanned. Go and check on her.

There might be some mistakes!

Eleanor's P.O.V.

I was in hospital one more time because of same person. This time I was with Dani, Lena, Zoe and one more boy that called us here. We already heard what was with her and we have to wait for her to wake up.

Doctor came out for 8th time and she still wasn't awake. We waited for one more hour and doctor went in her room for one more time. This time she was awake.

Julia's P.O.V.

I was waking up but I was weak. I could remember what happened but I thought it was just some illness like flu. I heard door opening and I saw doctor coming in. It was same doctor that I had when I almost bled out.

"Doctor..." I called. This time I didn't have strenght to move.

"Miss Julia. You are awake. Just be still. I know you are confused and I will explain everything to you." He said and took chair that was under window.

"What's happening with me? I thought I have flu." I said and he made worried face.

"This will be though to take in. There are few of your friends outside. You want me to call them in?" He asked.

I nodded and he let them in. All girls were here with Josh. Their faces lit up for second but then they had same faces as doctor. I ran every option through my head but this wasn't one of them.

"Will somebody tell me whart is wrong with me?" I got little bit upset.

"You have something floating in your blood and its slowly destroying your organs." Doctor said.

I was broken. My dad died from that. I can't die. I'm only 16. I can't die. This is not right and this is so wrong. I don't want to die. It can't be true.

"This can't be true." I mumbled and started crying. Josh came closer and hugged me. I could swear I was crying and sobbing for five minutes or more.

"Is there any chance for me to survive this?" I asked doctor.

"Only 3% of people survived this. But you will have five surgeries and you'll have to drink pills. I'll try and do my best." Doctor said and went out.

"I'm going to die." I mumbled and started crying again. They were all standing there not knowing what to do.

"Don't worry. You have to be optimist." Zoe said and hugged me.

"This time its over. I lost everything and I'm losing my life now." I said. "Can you please leave me alone?"

They didn't say anything and they just left.

It was so hard for me and I felt so alone. I had no one, yet I had five good friends that care about me. I looked at my hand. It was healing and I had momory of special person. I wonder what is he doing right now? Does he ever thinks of me? Everything would be better if he is here right now. He would look at me with his blue eyes and say everything is okay and I would feel better. But that won't happen ever again. That made me cry even more.

Niall's P.O.V.

Tonight is the nght I can't be with Demi anymore. It will hurt more if I countinue wit this. I was driving her home and I thought of telling her now.

"Demi, I have to tell you something." I said pulling on her driveway.

"Look, I think we have to end this relationship. I can't love you while I'm loving another girl. I'm so sorry." I said to her.

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