This is AN from me, please read!!!

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Hello all my dear readers and friends. This is MrsHoran25, now with changed username: DirectionerWhovian.

I have to greet you all on this dull evening that I'm having. Yes, I am back, fresh and full of new ideas for writing and creating new things. And I am also open for talking and meeting new people.

I was kinda out for all this time and I was taking big and deserved vacation from Wattpad. I was trying to keep myself out from creating anything or writing anything. But it was hard so I was working on something that you'll just have to wait to read.

Anyways, this story is going to finish soon and I am planning on writing 3 to 4 chapters and then goes epilogue. I hope that you'll be great as always and that you will be next ito me until the very end. I love you all for voting on this and for reading..

Stay great and funny and good and nice like always and I'll see you in Chapter 25 which should be out tomorrow.

P.S. Special thank you for getting I Wanna Save You Tonight to 12 000+ reads.. It made me unbelievable happy.. :D xx

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