Chapter 11

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  • Dedicated to Niall James Horan. Happy B-day and I wish you all the best babe. <3

There might be some mistakes!

Josh's P.O.V.

The second I came out my eyes met with five boys staring at me. One of them was awfully familiar to me. It was the blond one. Julia's ex. I didn't like him so much. He hurt my friend but she doesn't like him anymore. He didn't need to come back. She doesn't need him.

Niall's P.O.V.

It took me few minutes to understand what happened right now. I tried to make this as dream but it was impossible. It was so real. I was awaken and this was for real. I got up.

"I want to see her." I said to Louis.

"Yeah, sure." He said and led me to her room.

I saw her in there, lying on bed. She was pale and she looked so peaceful. I came next to her and sat on one of chairs that were there. Louis was standing next to door. I opened my mouth to talk but nothing was coming out.

"You know, I am not supposed to tell you this. But she still loves you." Louis said. "And she feels sorry because she broke up with you."

I didn't know that. But words still weren't coming out from my mouth. My eye caught something on her left hand. I took it and saw scar. It was 'N'.

"And how about this?" I showed him the hand.

"It was the day she got back from Ireland. She missed you and she did that. She would bleed out if Eleanor didn't find her." He said.

"How do you know all this things?" I asked him and looked to his eyes.

"I kinda talked to her in past eight months. Last time we talked was three months ago." He said and looked down.

"Why didn't you told me? I surely wouldn't be more mad than I am now." I said to him and turned to Julia.

"You have to wake up. No one is mad at you and we all need you. I need you." I said and went out.

~next morning~

I was there whole night and I could see that boy was there too. Liam was with me and rest of boys went home. We told them yesterday and one of them wasn't super excited for that. You can guess who was that..

"Niall, we have been here whole night. Hospital won't crash if we go home for one or two hours." Liam said.

"I said no and its final. I'm going to stay here until she wakes up." I said to him.

"But it could take months and years until she wakes up. And we have life out there, you know. I'm not saying you can't go here. I'm asking you to go home and shower and eat something." 

I wanted to say him something but I was interrupted. Doctor and nurses were running to her room. I was surprised to see that and it seemed like something big happened in there.

Julia's P.O.V.

I was opening my eyes and it seemed like everything was white. It felt hard and I was sleepy. I could feel pain in my stomach. It took me few minutes to remember everything that happened. I stretched my arm and called nurse. Suddenly, all kind of nurses and my doctor rushed in. I felt little bit scared.

"Now everyone be calm. Don't scare her." Doctor said.

"Too late, you already scared me." I mumbled.

"What did you say?" He asked me.

"Oh, nothing. But why are all those nurses here?" I asked him looking at all those ladies. One of them caught my eye. It wasn't regular nurse, it was male nurse.

"Hun, you have been in coma. It was because of shock you expirienced. You remember what happened, don't you?" He talked to me like I was five.

"Of course I remember. One boy attacked me." I said remembering his mad face as he was standing in front of me and his hand was tightly on my neck.

"Now we need to check if everything is okay. Please breath deep for me." He said and putted his stethoscope on my back and then on my chest.

He nodded his head and nurse helped me to get out from my bed.

"Where are we going?" I asked him.

"We are going to check how are you. Is your illness worse or better. By the way, you have two broken ribs. And you need to look after yourself." He said and we went outside in hallway.

I could see Josh in waiting room. Next to him were two boys. One had blond hair and other one had brown hair. Oh gosh, I don't need him right now. The moment he saw me he yelled my name and rushed over to us. I didn't have choice and I had to pretend I don't see him.

We came to room where was that big tube. First they injected something to my hand and after that they shoved me in.

"If you get claustrophobic, just breath deep." Nurse said and she went out.

I was feeling trapped and without any exit. I felt like I am going out of air. I was definitely claustrophobic. I did like that nurse said to me. I started breathing deep and I tried not to think it was tight space. They took me out as soon as possible and it was great feeling.

They helped me to get back to bed and doctors face didn't look good. I had bad feeling about this and I could feel it is getting worse.

"Everything is okay. Illness didn't get worse or better. Except broken ribs, you are great." He said.

I was glad to hear that but on the other side I wasn't. I didn't get better but I didn't get worse. "Can I ask you one thing?"

"Of course." Doctor said.

"Can you call in boy with dark brown hair and green eyes? His name is Josh." I said.

"Yes, of course." He said and went out.

"Hey you." Josh said and sat next to me.

"Hi." I said shyly and we hugged.

"How are you feeling?" He asked me.

"I'm fine. Nothing got better or worse." I said. I could see he is happy and sad in same time.

"Your ex is here with his circus." He said.

I smiled bit to that. It sounded funny. Niall and Circus.

"I know, I saw him. And I am not so happy that he came here. I don't need him." I said.

"Yeah, you said that before." He said.

"Did they took Bryan to prison?" I was curious.

"Yep. You can expect police around here. They said that they will come to take your statment." He said.

"I really don't need them right now. But if that keeps him there forever, I'll do anything." I said.

Niall's P.O.V.

What happened right now? She couldn't not see me. I yelled and waved and she didn't give me a look. I think its not okay. What if she doesn't like me anymore? I did all of this for nothing. 

I sat back to my chair and saw Louis and Harry coming.

"Any news?" Harry asked me and sat down.

"She's awake and she hates me." I said.

"What?!" Louis yelled.

"You heard the man." Liam said.

"Can I get boy named Josh in there? That girl is asking to see you." Doctor said.

That boy from yesterday went in and closed the door behind him. Who the heck is he? Her new boyfriend? If its that way I'm giving up.

"Don't worry Ni. I'll go in and talk to her." Louis said.


So, this one is special update because its Niall's birthday. I want to wish him all best and to find his princess soon. Enjoy.

Give me feedback and be sweetheart and vote.. Thanks :*

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