Chapter 10

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This chapter is dedicated to 1dmilkshakes because I've read her story most recently and I loved it so much. Please check it out if you can because its very good. Its called Dear Someone.

There might be some mistakes!

Josh's P.O.V.

I was sitting in her room, holding her lifeless hand. She had all those things in her nose and mouth. She had needle stuck in her right hand. She was pale. It was almost hard to look at her. She was in coma and she had two broken ribs. Doctor said it is because shock and because she lost too much air.

I saved her from that crazy man. I don't even know who that was. Police took him away and after that doctors picked up Julia. She looked like she was dead and she was breathing lightly.

I just wish she could wake up and everything will be okay. That would change everything. She looks so cold. She was making me happy and I was making her. I want her to come back before I go. I just need her.

Niall's P.O.V.

It was fifth day since we got back from tour and Louis already misses us. He called us to his house and said  we have to go to London for few days. I packed my things and went to his house. Harry was already there and Liam and Zayn came few minutes after me. I could see Louis is excited and worried at same time.

"Take your stuff to my car. I'm driving." Louis said. I've never seen him like this and it was weird for him to be so serious.

"Maybe you can explain us why are we going to London." Liam asked.

"I have friend over there that is in hospital and she has some kind of illness. She might die. Her wish is to see us for... To see us." Louis said and concentrated on driving.

"Can you tell us her name?" Zayn asked.

"I think not." Louis said.

He was so weird that I couldn't listen to that. I took my phone and my earphones. I found song that fits me most. It was Justin Bieber's As Long As You Love Me.

After few hours we were at our old house. It brought me back so many memories. The good ones and bad ones. When we came in it looked same like the day we left from there. Everything was in same place and there was one room that I didn't have strenght to come in.

Louis made us leave our things in our room's and we had to go to hospital. It was annoying to see him like that but he acted like weirdo. I was always bit scared of hospitals because of all sick people. It didn't look good for me and it was scary. But hey, everything for fans, right?

Louis left us sitting in waiting room and he went to look for doctor. Apparently, that girl was in room 38. I was excited and scared at the same time. What is there is someone I know? Or someone I care about? It gave me chills and I left my thoughts alone.

I saw Louis coming back. He sat next to Harry and putted his head in his hands. He was pale and looked like he was going to cry every moment.

Louis' P.O.V.

I left boys sitting in waiting room because I didn't wanted any troubles around here. I slowly stepped to the counter and found girl sitting there. She was around 5 years old and she was spinning in chair.

"Mommy, some weird boy is here." She yelled at her mom and she came to me.

"Excuse me for my daughter. Who do you need?" She looked young too. She was in her mid-twentys and she had dark brown hair. Her eyes were green.

"Its nothing. She is cute. I'm looking for doctor that takes care for girl in room 38." I said.

"Its doctor Stevens. Let me go and call him. I'll be right back." She said and went for him. 

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