Chapter 5

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This chapter is dedicated to suijane1D because she is nice girl and she comments on every chapter of this story I make. She's nice.. You should check her out..

There might be some mistakes!

Julia's P.O.V.

I woke up in the grass with my earpieces in my ears. I had to be really tired when I fell asleep over here. But this place means so much to me. When I was young and when my mum and dad had big fights, I would come and hide here. It would help me because this place is so calm and nice. If I had to choose one place to live for rest of my life it would be this.

I took my earpieces out and got up. I took my blanket and started to walk towards house. It would be nice for me, Lena and Zoe to go shopping. I haven't seen them in two months. I hope they aren't mad at me. I tried to call them to set up meeting but my battery is dead. Why it wouldn't be, I fell asleep in grass.

I came in the house and plugged my phone on charger. I went upstairs and took shower. I dressed jeans and red shirt that had long sleeves. While I was looking for something to wear, I found something that means lot to me.

It was Niall's green shirt. He gave it to me that night when I slept in his bed. I looked at it and then at my hand and it was several times. I pulled it closer to me and inhaled its scent. It smelled like him. I threw it back in closet and closed it. I don't have to do this to me.

I went downstairs on breakfast. After I had it I took my phone and texted to Lena and Zoe same message.

For: Lena and Zoe <3

Meet me in front of Starbucks.. :)

After few minutes I got answers from them.

From: Lena :)

Great.. We have lots of things to talk about.

From: Zoe <3

Hurry up. I'm waiting.. 

I grabbed my purse and went out. I was almost running towards Starbucks. I saw my two friends talking to each other and remembered I didn't saw them for very long time. I ran into them and we hugged. We were standing like that for five minutes. People that were passing by were just looking at us.

"I missed you two so much." I said to them and we went in.

"We missed you too." They said at same time.

Waiter gave us table and took our orders. We had lots of things to talk about.

"You have to tell us everything that happened in past few months." Lena said and they waited for me to start talking.

"I was with Brian. One boy that I met when I was visiting my sister. When he got drunk, he would hit me and I couldn't take it anymore. Plus, I was suspecting he cheats on me. And it was true. So, I came back." I said to them. Waiter brought us our coffee's and went away.

"After I came home I realized how much I miss Niall and then I did this." I showed them my N that was still red. "Eleanor found me. Doctor said that if she found me few minutes after, I would die."

"I'm so sorry about everything that happens to you." Zoe said.

"You don't have to be sorry, its my fault." I said to her. "The real reason I wanted to meet you is to call you on girl's night today. Come at my house around 5, Danielle and Eleanor will be there too."

"Sure." They said.

They talked about their lives in past few months and I can say that they are going pretty well with boys. They are all together and I am happy because of them. I don't have any reasons to hate them. They will be my friends forever and I am hoping I will be theirs friend forever.

"I have to tell you something. Zayn doesn't like you so much because you hurt Niall." Zoe whispered in my ear before I went home.

"Its his problem and I don't care." I whispered back.

"Bye girls." I waved at them and came home. I checked my phone and I had two new message's.

From: Josh :)

I hope you are not angry on me. Do you wanna go out for new coffee today? xx

From: Louis - BooBear :)

Call me when you find time. I am worried about you.. xxx 

For: Josh :)

I'm not.. And I would like that. How about we meet in park in front bench that is rainbow colored? x

For: Louis - BooBear :)

You don't have to be worried, I'm okay. xx 

I took my phone and started to walk towards park. That bench was funny and it was always something special to me. I don't know why. My phone buzzed.

From: Josh :)

I'm on my way.. I'll pick up coffee.. xx 

I came to the bench and sat there. I looked at kids how are happy and they are playing. I wish I would have one of my own. They are so beautiful and carefree. Just like Niall. Yes, him. Why does everything have to remind me of him?

"Hey there." I saw boy standing in front of me.

"Hi." I said and he sat next to me.

"Here you go. I took regular coffee because I didn't know what kind you like." He said.

"Its fine. I like every coffee." I said. "I noticed your accent. You are not from here."

"You're right, I'm not. I'm from America. I moved here with my mum because she and dad divorced. It wasn't nice. They fought all the time." He said.

"Do you visit your dad sometimes?" I asked him.

"Sometimes. But not so often like I should. And what about your parents?" He asked me.

"I don't even wanna hear about my mum and my dad is dead." I said remembering my dad. My beautiful dad that had to go away and leave me alone on this world.

"I'm sorry." He said. "I noticed you have something red on your hand."

"Oh, its nothing." I said quickly pulling my sleeve down.

He took my hand and pulled my sleeve up. "You shouldn't do this. Does this N have some special meaning?" He asked me.

"Yes, it has. But I don't wanna talk about it." I said hiding my tears.

"I'm sorry I made you cry." He said.

"No, its not you." I said wiping them away.

We continued talking and I found out many things about him. We go to same school but not to same grade. He is year older than me. He had girlfriend but she hurt him so much. He said that he will tell me about her when I say him about this boy. After few words with him, I had feeling I know him forever. We were getting along well and I loved that. I loved to have him for friend. I couldn't help but feel he is special on his own way and that he will help me.

When I came home it was 4 pm. Girls will be here in one hour. I think it was time for me to have some rest. In just few hours, I spent it outside. I am tired and I think I will take nap.


Chapter 5 is here. I hope you like it and I am so happy that someone is reading this shit. I was looking through book 1 and found out that it has over 3,600 reads. That's sick.

I just feel so loved and so emotional. Its so nice. I love you guys.

Bye :*

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